
Dec 06, 2010 18:00

Instead of complaining all the time, I should probably do something a bit more productive on this blog.

Therefore, the theme of today's post is ECO! That's the ECO from both economics and ecology. I may not be the best at being green, but I do try when I can. Here's some ideas that I've tried recently that saved my wallet from getting too thin and cut down my rubbish output.

Eco strategy #1- Rather than buying those fancy garbage bags with extra stretch or self-tying handles, I've been using old regular plastic bags from the supermarket or Target for trash bags. I've been doing this since I moved into my new apartment, and aside from now having to take it out once a week, compared to my usual once every two weeks, it works well. I have no use for those plastic bags anyway, since they tend to accumulate and sit around taking up space in some drawer I could use for storing something else, like chocolate.

Eco strategy #2- I just tied my curtains with small strips of the plastic outer wrapping of my Charmin ultra soft toilet paper. I was thinking of using ribbon or rubber bands, but seeing that I have other purposes for rubber bands and I have no ribbon at the moment, this turned out pretty well. I'm thinking that If I'm careful, I could cut it nicely and use it in place of gift wrapping ribbon. Everyone knows that all that ribbon just gets thrown away in the end. Might as well put the plastic to use before throwing it away, right? This would ultimately reduce the amount of ribbon you use for wrapping up gifts, as long as you can make it look nice.

Pretty simple, yes? That's about five to ten dollars saved that could be spent on other, more important things in life, like chocolate!


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