Fic: Analyzing the Predator (Zelenka/Dex, NC-17)

Oct 07, 2005 22:44

I volunteered to write porny ficlets, and mmmchelle asked for Ronon/Radek and bondage. My brain shorted out at the word "bondage", and I instantly forgot the meaning of the word "ficlet". In addition, I decided that poor Ronon and Radek had never gotten to have sex in Predatory Analysis, and when all the dust had cleared, this porny little sequel was born.

If you're looking for much plot here, you have come to the very wrong place. Thanks to svmadelyn and seperis for keeping me company while I wrote. It helps to have read Predatory Analysis first, but being that this is mostly porn, it's not really that necessary.

In his seven years of running, Ronon had learned to never let his guard down for even a second. Atlantis must have made him soft, because when he entered the empty lab and the web shot out of nowhere, he didn’t have the chance to react before he was pulled back against the wall.

He struggled with all of his might, but nothing dislodged the strands, and all he managed to do was exhaust himself. Calling for help wasn’t something he wanted to do, but there didn’t seem to be any other options.

“Sheppard,” he said into his mouthpiece. “I have been attacked by a device. Get me out of it.”

There was a moment of silence. “Sure,” Sheppard said. “I’ll bring Rodney in case we need more than just brute strength.”

The idea of McKay seeing him like this was not pleasant, but he grit his teeth and agreed, because he wanted out and he wanted it now.

The door whooshed open, and Sheppard and McKay walked in, followed by Radek. Ronon took one look at Radek’s face and knew what had happened.

“You did this on purpose.”

“Me?” Radek’s voice was too innocent, and Ronon was not fooled. “I am only here to ensure your safety and welfare.”

“Wait a second,” Sheppard said, looking back and forth between the two of them. “You really did do this on purpose?”

Radek looked modest. “Well, Rodney assisted.”

McKay smirked, and Sheppard blinked. “So…” His voice trailed off.

“So I suggest we not interfere,” McKay said. “After all, you never know what traps might be lying in wait for you,

“You know what?” Sheppard said hastily. “We’ll just leave you two alone.”

“We could stay,” McKay said. There was a disturbing light in his eyes, and Ronon tore his attention away from Radek long enough to glare at him. “Or maybe not.”

Ronon pulled against the unyielding web. “Sheppard. Don’t you dare leave.”

“Buck up, Ronon,” Sheppard said cheerfully. “You’re in good hands.”

Radek smiled at Sheppard. “Colonel, would you mind terribly setting the door to lock for the next few hours?”

“No problem.” Sheppard and McKay left without even a look back. The door closed behind them, and Ronon heard the clicking of multiple locks.

“Radek,” Ronon said, using the voice that made smart people cower backwards and fall all over themselves to apologize. He’d always thought that Radek was smart, but apparently not, because Radek didn’t look worried at all. “Release me.”

Radek hummed, and walked over to him, checking the strength of the web. “I have just arranged a special surprise for you, is all. I would think you would appreciate it.” He pulled on one of the strands over Ronon’s wrist, and rubbed his thumb over the pulse point. “Just like I so appreciated the last time you had a special surprise for me.”

Ronon thought back to that last night, the way he’d held both of Radek’s wrists in one of his hands, and trapped Radek’s legs underneath his own. The way he’d jerked Radek off with slow, methodical, ruthless strokes, ignoring all of Radek’s breathless pleas and curses. The way he’d barely given Radek any time to recover before he’d slid smoothly into him, fucking him gently and nudging that small place inside that made Radek cry out as he came again. Perhaps he should be worried after all.

“You liked it,” he finally said.

Radek undid the catch of his pants. “Yes, that I will not deny. But you told me once that you had been a hunter and hunted as well. Between us, you have always been the hunter, and now it is my turn to hunt, and your turn to be the prey.” He pulled Ronon’s pants down and dropped to his knees.

The first brush of Radek’s tongue over the head of his cock made all of Ronon’s muscles tense up. Radek had done this to him before, but this thing between them was still new, and it had been so long before that. He still wasn’t used to all of this touching. He was even less used to the affection that followed the touching.

Radek swirled his tongue in a circle, and then sucked on the head like it was one of those sugar things Ronon had seen McKay devouring at dinner that night. It was intoxicating and maddening, and Ronon struggled against the web yet again, wanting nothing more than to grab onto Radek’s head, to caress his soft hair, and stroke the back of his neck.

“Set me free so that I can touch you.”

Radek looked up at him, eyes dark. “Let me do this for you.”

When Radek looked like that, there was nothing Ronon could deny him. It was hard for him to purposely let go of his control, but perhaps this was the point.

He relaxed his muscles, and Radek smiled before moving downwards and biting the soft inside of Ronon’s thigh - one of the few places where Ronon could be easily marked. Radek bit carefully, hard enough that Ronon knew there would be an imprint of his teeth afterwards. The thought made him harden even more. Marking Radek was one of his favorite things, especially in places where other people could see - the inside of Radek’s wrist, the back of his neck, the curve under his ear, the hollow where his neck met his jaw. If Ronon could, he would mark Radek permanently. Clearly Radek felt the same way.

Radek licked upwards, sliding his tongue over Ronon’s balls, and back along the sensitive skin behind them, another place Ronon had never been touched before Radek. He tried to part his legs, so that Radek’s tongue could travel even further, but the web held fast, and he was unable to move. It was torture and pleasure at the same time, and when Radek pulled back, sucking a finger and tracing it along his hole, Ronon gave in and moaned.

“I can put it inside if you would like,” Radek said.

“You are the one making the decisions.”

“True, yes, but I would not do anything to you that you might not enjoy. So I am asking if you would enjoy.”

Yes, yes he would, but it wasn’t something he felt comfortable actually admitting, even if nobody else was there to hear them. He shrugged, and hoped that it was enough of a reply for Radek.

It seemed to be, because the finger went from circling tormentingly around the outside of his hole, to sliding gently inside, moving deeper and deeper. Ronon remembered the reaction he always got from Radek when he touched that place inside of him. He wondered if Radek could make him feel the same way.

Then the finger hit something and lightning jolted down Ronon’s spine, almost painful in its intensity. He opened up his mouth to curse, but all that came out were sounds he had not made since he was a small child.

“Ah,” Radek said, and Ronon wondered just how far gone he was to enjoy the fact that Radek was still fully clothed and wearing his glasses while he systematically went about turning Ronon into a total wreck. “I see that you do enjoy.”

Ronon had always thought that there was shame in begging, until he had met Radek, who was willing to make himself vulnerable. Seeing Radek like that had made him realize that there was strength in trusting your partner like that, in trusting yourself like that. He loved listening to Radek begging him, and never once thought of him as anything other than strong.

Possibly Radek had been waiting for him to beg as well. “Please,” he said, because he needed it, and shame was not important when he was with Radek.

Radek drew in a deep breath, and placed a soft kiss on the head of Ronon’s cock before swallowing it whole. He slid his lips down all the way to where he was holding the base with his fist, pulled off with a soft pop, and then repeated the entire motion. His other finger never stopped its motion inside of Ronon, stroking and crooking and stroking again.

“I am close,” Ronon warned, because Radek had always preferred to pull off before, but this time he stayed, increasing the strength of his sucking, and angling his finger even more sharply. Ronon could feel nothing else besides the hot mouth on his cock, and the itch inside of him that only grew each time Radek scratched it.

He was a warrior, trained to resist almost anything, but Radek was a scientist, trained to detect a weakness and exploit it until he achieved success. It was impossible for Ronon to hold out against Radek’s mouth, and Radek’s tongue, and Radek’s clever hands and soft eyes, and the way he smiled at Ronon when nobody else was looking.

He came silently, almost biting through his tongue in an effort not to make much noise, because that was not his way, even if Radek had come very close to completely breaking through his control. Radek continued his sucking while Ronon shook beneath his hands and mouth, pulling off only when Ronon said, “Enough.”

Radek stood up, and they looked at each other before Radek leaned in and kissed him, his mouth tinged with Ronon’s flavor. Ronon accepted the kiss, trying to silently say what he might never be able to express out loud.

“Did you like it?” Radek asked.

Ronon considered it, making sure his face gave nothing away. “I would like it if you freed me.”

Radek frowned uncertainly, but walked to the machine in the corner, pressing a series of buttons. There was a short chime, and the web retracted back into the wall, leaving Ronon free and unharmed.

He advanced on Radek, stalking forward until Radek was pressed against the wall.

“If this upset you, I did not mean to,” Radek said, sounding nervous.

Ronon couldn’t stop the grin. He grasped Radek’s ass and hauled him up into a kiss, waiting for Radek’s legs to wrap automatically around his waist. “I liked it,” he said into Radek’s mouth.

“I knew you would,” Radek said, and Ronon did not mention that Radek sounded relieved. Instead, he lowered Radek, and reached over to the machine, pressing the same sequence of buttons. It worked, and he backed away as the web shot out, grabbing Radek this time.

Radek gasped, and Ronon could feel his grin sharpen. “You told Sheppard to give us hours.”

“Yes, but I was not expecting this!”

Ronon shrugged.

porny!, fic, predatory analysis, john/rodney, sgafic, radek/ronon

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