Project list (bandom).

Jun 28, 2012 22:08

(Note: You don't need to check with me if you'd like to make fanart, podfic, remixes, translations, or whatever else. A link to whatever you do would be super appreciated, though! I highly recommend using AO3 in particular because of their linking options; I'm
gorgeousnerd on there.)

List on AO3 | List on DW

Last updated: 1/1/13

Harry Potter
Other fandoms

Ghost and Dust (Killjoys AU)
Pulse (Dark Angel AU)
Chicken (Mikey Way/Ian McKellen)
Vampires (and Hunters) Will Never Hurt You (Vampire AU)

My Chemical Romance
Panic! at the Disco
Fall Out Boy
Multiple bands/other

Ghost and Dust 'verse

"The Mailbox" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
PG, 1800 words, Bob/Gerard and Pete/Mikey and others, for the Fandom Snowflake Challenge, January 2012
"For everyone who's left their ghost or dust in the desert sand, and for everyone who will, we got a little piece of life in the zone. Forgiveness. Love. Loss. That's right, babies. I'm talking about the Mailbox."

"Giving Up the Ghost" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
NC-17, 26,300 words, Bob/Gerard, for bandombigbang Wave Two, September 2011
Bob Bryar - also known as Spit Fire, the fifth Killjoy - should've died in the desert after Korse shot him in the head. But death isn't permanent in the zones, and rescue's nearly as ugly. When the fate of the resistance rides on Bob's shoulders, can Bob stop the mysterious enemies who anticipate his every move and cope with the mess Better Living Industries made of his life?

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Pulse 'verse

"The High Place" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
R, 12,150 words, Brendon/Spencer, for bandombigbang Wave Three, August 2012
Even after the battle that destroyed the local branch of Manticore, Seattle was much kinder to Brendon than the secret military organization that created him and his friends. Could his newfound freedom lead to something as awesome as love? (Dark Angel AU)

"Crash" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
NC-17, 26,000 words, Mikey/Frank, for bandombigbang Wave Two, August 2011
In a future version of Seattle, Frank Iero's a lot of things: bike messenger, cage fighter, sometimes thief, Ray Toro's roommate. Mikey Way's also a lot of things: record label owner, co-heir to his grandmother's fortune, younger brother. Neither are normal. But they don't know just how far each other's abnormalities go until Frank's past and a secret of Mikey's unexpectedly shove together. (Dark Angel AU.)

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Chicken 'verse

"Chicken dinner" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
PG; 2270 words; Mikey/Ian McKellen, Gerard/Lindsey, Mikey/Alicia, Ian McKellen/Patrick Stewart; January 2012
Gerard was a dork, but he'd like to see most people watch Ian McKellen walk out of a bright and steamy bathroom and not get a tear in their eye.

"A piece of chicken" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
PG, 700 words, Mikey/Ian McKellen, January 2012
Fuck, Mikey was getting The Look from Magneto.

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Vampires (and Hunters) Will Never Hurt You 'verse

"This Jet Black Feeling" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
NC-17, 4585 words, Ray/Mikey, December 2012
It wasn't Romeo or Juliet, or even Buffy and Angel. But Ray had never had sex with a vampire before, either.

"Like a Secret in Your Throat" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
NC-17, 3070 words, Frank/Gerard, for
bandom_meme, October 2012
There was a time for cuddling. It was not when Frank was trying to have hot sex with his vampire boyfriend.

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My Chemical Romance

"First Snow" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
G, 237 words, December 2012
With Mikey and Gerard.
Mikey wakes in time for the first snow. Too bad he can't get back to sleep.

"Four Times a Year" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
Unrated Killjoys AU, 4200 words, Frank/Gerard, for WIP amnesty, November 2012

"Socks" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
PG, 133 words, Bob/Gerard, for the trope meme, September 2012
Gerard needs Bob to think more quietly.

"Hangover" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
NC-17, 805 words, Frank/Mikey, for the trope meme, September 2012
"'I knew I shouldn't have let Pete give us beer,' Mikey says with disgust."

"Romance" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
PG-13, 1744 words, Ray/Gerard, September 2012
In which Gerard fails and somehow still ends up in love anyway.

"Not Today" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
NC-17, 1000 words, Mikey/Alicia, August 2012
They don't play today.

"Breathing Room" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
PG, 1080 words, Mikey/Frank, July 2012, for
Sometimes, on bad days, all Mikey needs is to be held.

"Strays" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
NC-17, about 14,500 words, Frank/Gerard, June 2012, for werewolfbigbang
Frank and Gerard's life off-tour is all about grocery shopping and blowjobs and general domestic happiness...until Gerard goes missing, and bloody scraps are all that's left behind. So when a stray dog turns up on Frank's doorstep, can anyone blame him for wanting a little normal back in his life?

"The Words in Your Head (The Patron Saint Remix)" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
PG-13, 454 words, Frank/Gerard, May 2012
For Reverse Remix, based on
akamine_chan's and never be afraid again
Gerard gets called stupid crap all the time. Why should Frank care?

"Another line without a hook" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
R, 1100 words, Mikey/Frank, March 2012, for
Mikey figured, once he'd transferred to Gerard's school, the hard part would be over. He was wrong. (I'm Not Okay AU.)

"Crush my soul (and send me flowers)" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
R, 6400 words, Bob/Gerard, March 2012, for bandomreversebb
After his nasty breakup with Gerard, Bob leaves the superhero business and gets a mundane job. But when Gerard shows up without his powers working, will Bob's life stay the same?

"The Best Boyfriend Ever" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
PG, 1500 words, Frank/Ray, February 2011
Frank gets sick again. Ray takes care of him.

"Sketch" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
G, 100 words, October 2011
With Bob and Gerard.
Bob watches Gerard draw.

"The Better Deal" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
R, 2100 words, Frank/Gerard, for
kink_bingo, September 2011
Frank wants to shave his head. Gerard wants to help.

"A Lesser Disaster" (AO3 | DW)
NC-17, 7400 words, Frank/Gerard, March 2011
"So," Frank says, his voice rough. "I think Gerard's a werewolf."

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Panic! at the Disco

"That Scary Feeling" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
NC-17, 1100 words, Brendon (solo), for
kink_bingo, September 2012
"Still, getting off on his arm falling asleep? At least anal was something people talked about."

"Hand Covers Bruise" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
NC-17, 3160 words, Ryan/Spencer, for
bandom_meme, July 2012
Spencer doesn't like hockey. The way hockey bruises Ryan's skin, on the other hand...

"Why don't you just drop dead?" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
NC-17, 23,000 words, Brendon/Spencer, for vampirebigbang, October 2011
Brendon wanted to be a rock star just like Pete Wentz. Spencer wanted to help Ryan out of his self-destructive cycle. Instead, they both end up undead and in the middle of the an extremely dangerous clique war. Can they save their city from being torn apart by vampires and look dapper while they do it? (A Little Less Sixteen Candles AU.)

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Fall Out Boy

"Woke up in Vegas as a werewolf again" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
G, 2600 words, with Pete and a bunch of others, June 2012
""Werewolves," Patrick said, patting Pete's arms like he wanted to make sure he was real. "Only you, man.""

Three times Pete was a werewolf in Las Vegas.

"Show you how to grind" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
NC-17, 1800 words, Pete/Patrick, April 2012
Patrick expected a lot of weird things from Pete. That he'd never been touched below the waist wasn't one of them.

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Multiple bands/other

"it's a small world after all" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
R, 15,410 words, deadmau5/g3rard, for Yuletide, December 2012
From Griefer to Killjoy: an origin story.

"Buddy System" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
PG-13, 2900 words, Patrick/Spencer, for Bandom Pretend Dating Festival, August 2012
Playing shows solo is one thing. Going to bars solo is something else entirely.

"your team sux" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
NC-17, 1700 words, Mikey/Ryan, for
bandom_meme, June 2012
Mikey stumbles into Ryan at the Stanley Cup game. Literally.

"shadows and sunlight" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
R, 1000 words, Gabe/Gerard, for
bandom_meme, June 2012
Gabe could almost see light trying to escape from Gerard's skin, like some magic that wouldn't stay contained.

"A first time for everything" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
NC-17, 1070 words, Pete/Mikey, for
bandom_meme, May 2012
Who knew Star Wars pajamas would turn out to be so sexy?

"This Universe" (AO3 | DW | LJ)
G, 1470 words, Brendon/Patrick, November 2011
'Patrick blinked. "I just normally get some kind of 'bigger on the inside' comment first."' (Doctor Who AU.)

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