The High Place - Bandom, R, Brendon/Spencer.

Aug 30, 2012 00:17

Title: The High Place
Fandom: Bandom: Panic! at the Disco (with background MCR, FOB, and Cobra Starship)
Rating: R
Length: 12,150 words.
Characters/Pairings: Brendon/Spencer (with background Frank/Mikey and Ray/Gerard)

Content notes ( skip) Past rape/abuse briefly discussed (not between any romantic pairing), violence, drug use similar to pot (with liberties taken)

Summary: Even after the battle that destroyed the local branch of Manticore, Seattle was much kinder to Brendon than the secret military organization that created him and his friends. Could his newfound freedom lead to something as awesome as love? (Dark Angel AU)

One | Two
AO3 | DW

Author's notes: For bandombigbang 2012, Wave Three. This story mostly stands alone, but if you're not familiar with Dark Angel, it will definitely help to read Crash first. I also played fast and loose with the accuracy of the drug use in this story, but this is about cat people in the future and is based on people who play in bands, so I hope the whole thing is taken as what it is: fiction.

Thanks to andeincascade for the absolutely stellar beta job (and putting up with my anxious emails), rahnekat for the Dark Angel DVD loan, my younger sister for gifting me her DVD set, and my mom for listening to my brainstorming and laughing at the title when I told her about it. (I come by it honestly.)

Bonus Tracks/Enhanced Content

Three pieces by quintenttsy

The High Place by fluffysnow

rating: r, fandom: bandom, verse: pulse, story: the high place, challenge: bandombigbang, ship: brendon/spencer, fandom: bandom: panic

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