A smile cannot hide everything- and adding vaseline is just gross!

Nov 14, 2009 10:17

I am quite tired of bitching about my life- so why not bitch about the lives of celebrities? Wheee! :P

I've been pretty out-of-the-loop as far as celebrity gossip goes, so indulging in it this morning was a real eye-opener. (And a great source of laughs)
First of all, did anyone else hear that Britney Spear's Twitter page was hacked into? This is hilarious. Imagine for a moment you are a fan of B.S. (lol) and follower her Twitter religiously. Now imagine you get your update and see this:
"I give myself to Lucifer every day for it to arrive as quickly as possible. Glory to Satan!"
Oh man! All I can say is I wish I could have seen these fans' reactions upon pulling this up! True comedy does not always need a lengthy script, sometimes it just needs a hacker and a washed up star. *is still laughing*

Moving on- John Gosselin (or however his name is spelled) is a douche. His wife is a tampon, and the 2 of them combined still stink, if you catch my drift. It seems TLC is suing the guy for a breach of contract, and he is counter-suing claiming that they did not allow him enough freedom to "explore his career options" or some ridiculous shit like that. He is seeking 5 million.
Can I take a moment to explore a few truths of his "career"? First of all, without those kids, no one would give 2 shits about who he or his wife was. Second, without TLC, he would have no fame. 3rd, if TLC gives you fame and money, and that seems to be what you want, then just be happy you've got that. Hell, Heidi Montag can't even get TLC to spotlight her! (Lol) To sign a contract with a channel, and then bitch because you can't be on other channels is just ridiculous, IMO. Furthermore, to seek 5 MILLION DOLLARS over this makes my blood boil! I am sitting here struggling to eat/buy toilet paper/pay bills/SURVIVE and this guys is seeking more money than I'll ever see in my life because he couldn't be on 8 networks at once?! Can I just slap him with my EBT card? (Don't worry, I'll tie a rabid wolverine to it so it will really drive my point home!)

Finally, I don't know how many of you have been following this Carrie Prejean fiasco, but I finally took the time today to watch clips from her Larry King interview. Wow! This girl is much more idiotic than I originally took her for! First of all, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, sure, but someone who chooses to dislike an entire community of people simply for being homosexual is just ignorant. Second, anyone who makes a sex tape had better stay out of the public eye, because it WILL go viral online. (*d'oh!*) Third, Larry King is all about getting to the core of the issue and asking questions, so if all you want to do is promote your book, don't go there! This girl got so upset with him, and honestly, I don't think any of the questions he was asking were out-of-line. He began asking about the settlement, which she immediately told him she could not discuss, sounding like a pre-recorded message the whole time. In fact, every answer she gave was redundant. "Here's what I told to say, buy my book, I love Sarah Palin, buy my book, conservatives are misunderstood, buy my book...." I wasn't sure if I should be frustrated or amused. (Honestly, I was a little of both!)
The most irritating/hilarious moment was when Larry finally agreed to just take calls, and the first was from a gay man who wanted her to clarify why she dislikes gays. (Not in so many words, but that was it) She immediately began removing her mike, smiling like a beauty queen while obviously flaming on the inside. She tried to blame her reaction on Larry's questions, but I know she was just tired of being attacked for her prejudice. Well, don't be prejudiced and it won't be a problem!
People like her need to build their own island and move there, isolated like they want to be. Then wait 20 years and see how little progress they have made as a community. Anyone who cannot keep an open mind never goes forward, but stays stagnant.

This is WAAAAAYYYY too long, so here's the link to the clip if y'all want to see, and take care. :)
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