A Letter to Adam Lambert regarding the AMA performance heard 'round the world

Nov 25, 2009 13:34

Dear Mr. Lambert,

I feel I should begin this letter by stating I am not a fan of your music. This does not mean I feel you are not talented- because the truth is quite the opposite- but it does mean I am not a fan of the particular style you use in your music. I am, however, a fan of performers like Marilyn Manson and the like, and I feel that should also be mentioned. I want you to understand this message is not a direct attack at you or your AMA performance, and I also want you to understand that I am an open-minded individual who loves a little unconventional entertainment now and again.
Did I mention I am bisexual? I probably should, because I also want you to understand this is in no way an attack on your sexuality, etc. I could care less who you do and do not choose to fuck, and your bedroom antics have nothing whatsoever to do with what I am about to tell you.

Now that all the basics are settled, let's get down to business:

What the hell were you thinking the other night?!?! Seriously, what the hell was going on up there to make you think a performance like this was in any way a good idea? A performance like this can be excused because you are so new to the biz and perhaps got some bad advice somewhere, but are you not noticing the impact this decision is already having on your career? Did you not even think of that before you decided to go with a concept of this nature? If not, what the hell are you even doing in the music business, anyway?

I think making a list for you perhaps may be the easiest way for me to truly make you understand the errors of your ways, that way you don't have to strain yourself trying to put the simple two and two together.

1. You have been compared to Madonna. People are trying to defend your setup by playing the "it's been done in the past" card, and to be honest I can agree somewhat with that logic. However, you must take into account a few things. The first is that Madonna has earned her dues, and any promoter choosing to book her knows exactly what they are getting into when doing so at this point. The same can be said for performers like Marilyn Manson, who is well known for his shock value. This is why you never see him booked on shows like the AMAs, which is designed for family entertainment.

2. Speaking of family entertainment, you recently made a comment that you were "not a babysitter" in defense of yourself, of which you are 100% correct, but once again, you were booked on a show that was known for family content, and therefore should have respected that.

3. You, my friend, are new on the scene. Just because you made an album and are getting ready to tour, just because many other American Idol performers have made it big, does not mean that this is not still part of your 15 minutes. You are in the very early stages of your career, which means we, as fans, are still getting to know you. This is the most crucial time in your career, because this is where people decide whether to love or hate you. This doesn't mean that you can't be edgy or controversial, this means you need to learn that there is a time and a place for everything.

4. You have made mentions that this may all be because you are gay. I disagree, and am offended that you would even play that card. Like it or not, many people are still uncomfortable with open homosexuality. The door separating gays and straights has only in the last decade truly begun to open, and it is antics like yours that shove it right back to closed again. This may not be the right way to handle things, but it is unfortunately the way things are. To grind mens' faces into your crotch and participate in aggressive open mouthed kisses in this environment was probably not the best example to set. Lady Gaga is known for her love of females, and you didn't see her making out with chicks at the show, did you? No. I think it was because she knew better.

5. Looking at this from a career standpoint, you may have just killed yours. It is one thing to be embraced by the gay community, but their support alone may not be enough to keep yours afloat. You want to be big, I believe, and ostracizing huge chunks of your fanbase, like your actions did, is not the best foot to start with. I say this not only because you may have turned people off personally, but also because you cater to a younger audience as well, and antics like these can get you put on the "not in my house" list faster than anything. Think, man, think!

6. Most importantly, not everyone wants to be submerged in sex every time the turn on the tv. A good chunk of the performances were pretty sexual (Janet Jackson has some extreme moments, herself) and you could have been the breath of fresh air to end the evening, but no. You decided to slather us in it in a way that would have been offensive no matter what sexual identity you may have claimed, what sex you were, your age- anything! Dragging people on leashes?! Playing with a dancer's crotch for a prolonged period of time?! So much leather, I felt like I had time traveled beck to the 90s and was in a Paula Abdul video. It was all wrong, you blew it.

Mr. Lambert, please think about all of this, as well as your resopnses to the press. You're about to see the end of your dream mighty quick if you don't.

Take care and wear your jimmy hat,

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