May 04, 2008 20:02
i think i've changed quite a bit in the last year
i had not lived before i came here
i want to go dancing. i do not want to go to school tomorrow.
i also want a beer.
after talking to eden, i want an eden-clarissa-sarah reunion, here in belgium, in brussels. i want to go dancing with them and i want to get high out of my mind.
i want a bueno.
and chai.
i'd like to go shopping or wear my new black shirt.
i want new flats.
i want to lay in the grass and watch the stars.
i want it to be hot enough out to wear a dress at night.
i want my tattoo.
i want incense.
i want i want i want.........
i want to be at fair. at chela mela like last year... when the stars were sparkling technicolor and there were lines connecting them, and the moon was in the tree,and everyone was glowing and morphing and all the world was was colors... it was a beautiful night.
2 months until that :D