May 01, 2008 16:03
i'll be home june 21st. its official.
thats less than 2 months away
all this year i've just been waiting for this and now ive never felt so confused in my life.
no wait, thats a lie. all this year i've felt more confused than i ever have in my life.
exchange is the greatest most confusing experience there is.
i'm staying in eugene next year i couldn't bare to leave again.
but i'll be so sad to be away from my family here...
i think i've been subcontiously distancing myself from people here because i know i'm leaving soon.
thats probably not a good thing?
next weekend=ireland
how fucking cool does my life sound?
je pense que jai bu un tout petit peu trop...oohh la!
c'est la vie ici en belgique
normalement demain soir je sors en bruxelles avec emilie mais comme je ne suis pas (je serai a paris) je ne vas pas. dommage.
jadore le chimay bleu. cest la biere le plus fort du monde. super bon.
jaime bien parler en francais. ca vas me manque aussi. et le maredsous (cest un sort du fromage fabrique dans le region...super bon aussi!!)