Jul 08, 2006 22:51
The Maine mosquitoes and black flies are making a decent attempt at eating me alive. The current count is 35 bites. Itchy itchy itchy. Make that 36. A new one has erupted on my shoulder.
At any rate… Tomorrow we go to pick up my aunt Marcia at the Bangor airport. And since we’ll be in a slightly larger city… perhaps I can find a cozy little spot to watch the final match of the World Cup. Allez les Bleus!! We’ll see how that goes. There is NOWHERE around here that has shown any of the world cup matches as far as I can tell. All we get is little snippets here and there on the news about who won the match and whatnot.
We were supposed to be able to see the Aurora Borealis tonight, since there was an exceptionally large x-ray solar flare detected. However, thanks to the fullness of the moon and the very slight cloud cover, I’m thinking it’s not going to happen. Tant pis. Peut-être la prochaine fois.
In other news, I am quite eager for tomorrow’s fish chowder experience. We prepared it today, as the ingredients need a night to marinate. It’s not the same without my Grandpa to help us. Nonetheless, it’ll still be good and it’s a nice way to remember him.
I still haven’t touched any of my instruments… Perhaps I ought to get on that… Auditions will be coming up before I know it. Aggh. Maybe I’m in the wrong major… meh. I do love music… it’s just the relentless practicing without which I could live quite happily. But then, if I weren’t practicing my life away, I’d be studying. So either way…
I am so ridiculous-I have been down to the library in Stonington about every other day to use the internet. The first couple times I actually had a legitimate reason, since I was awaiting an e-mail about a possible job opportunity (which ended up not working out… ☹) but after that I began coming up with obtuse excuses to go into town so that I could be online for an hour. ::sigh:: At least I can admit I have an internet addition? That’s the first step to overcoming a problem, right? Haha… Oh well. It won’t be long till I’m home in good ol’ North Canton and I can finally catch up with everyone. I feel like I’ve been gone a lot longer than two months… But I guess time is all relative. Speaking of time, it has once again leaked through my fingers. It’s time for bed. See y’all soon!
P.s. Relient k was apparently quoted on the quotes page of Reader’s Digest… “The only thing worse than beating a dead horse is betting on one,” which happens to be the title of a song on “Mmhmm.” Dude.
internet addiction,
fish chowder,
aurora borealis,
world cup