New Notebook: Need your help/advice again (-_-'')

Jun 20, 2010 18:46

Hello again

So after all
your great comments to my last entry I gave up on Acer.

I'm also not really fond of Sony anymore, but I don't exclude it yet.

Another HUGE problem is that I don't like glare-type (= with mirror-effect) displays at all!!!! I HATE THEM!!!

Okay, I have to admit I never used one, but I don't want to!!!

I guess that it would be rather annoying to always have something reflect in your display (especially when you want to watch movies), and that it's almost impossible to use it outside, especially in bright
sunshine (not that I do that very often, but still
Now, 99% of all notebooks sold in Japan have only those glare-type displays!!! WHYYYY????!!!

Even on the European market they're quite common now, but most business models still have non-glare type displays!!!

Just for fun I browsed some German websites using filters with my criteria and what happened?!
Quite a FEW awesome notebooks popped up that I'd buy immediately!!!
Most of them cheaper, but definitely not more expensive than the ones here in Japan!!!
One of them is a Fujitsu Lifebook: Fujitsu Lifebook A530 (it has everything I want, plus a NON-glare type display and it's quite cheap, too!!)

The design is quite nice as well!

None of those are available in Japan!! Never were!!!

Actually I was shocked when I saw that! All electronic applications I bought so far (digital camera, DSLR, optical mouse, iPod etc.) were the same here and back home!!! This is the first time that not only the model names are different, but whole series are different!!!!
While you have a huge variety overseas, Japan only offers a very small selection!!! I'm disappointed!!!!

I'd immediately buy that Fujitsu above if only I were in Germany right now!!!
That's the first time that I'm actually mad about being in Japan! XD *sigh* ....

Well, I already told you that a family member will come to visit me in August, so basically I could order it in Germany and the they could bring it to me :)
This way I'd have no trouble with the customs or high shipping costs. BUT they do not offer international warranty, so if anything happens I'm doomed!!!!! :/
Plus I'd have to wait until mid of August and I'm not sure if my old laptop will last that long (or if I'm going to throw it against a wall soon when it's freezing again -__-; ...)

I asked in Japanese forums for help (yay, I can communicate even about that in Japanese now!!
[insert desperate laughter here]).
It seems that there really are almost NO non-glare displays available right now :(
Some people told me about the very few models that have.
This (Sony F series) for example, but with almost 2000$ that's waaaaaaaaaaaay to expensive!!!!

The ONLY acceptable solution I found so far is this: Lenovo ThinkPad L512

The good thing about it is: it has everything I need, a non-glare type display and I can even choose if I want an English or a Japanese keyboard!!!!
This special customize option is only availalbe until June 24th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to hurry up and decide!!!!!

Here's a test report in German, and one in English. It seems to be quite ok. Any experience with Lenovo Thinkpads??? Do they last long?
BIG MINUS: The design is the most ugly I've ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *pukes*

That's extremely ugly, right??????? -___-; *sigh*

Talking about design, this would be my
dream notebook
: NEC La Vie S

Problem(s): Glare-type display, way too expensive (over 1000$) and NEC doesn't exist as notebook brand in Germany (so if I ever go back and that laptop's broken, I'm REALLY DOOMED!)

This one is extremely cute
, too, and my number 2 if we're talking about design: Fujitsu LH Series

I can't buy it, though. The hardware is not what I'm looking for (processor too weak) and the display is too small (14'').

I also fell in love with this HP ProBook for around 800€:

Test reports and reviews are extremely good and the design is really nice as well.

Problem? Not available in Japan (-_-) ... would have to order it in Germany!!!!

So, what are my options right now?

Order either the HP or Fujitsu Lifebook in Germany, wait until August and risk not having warranty at all! Positive about it would be I'd have a German OS and a German keyboard :)
Or alternatively order one in Japan, no warranty issues as I'll stay here for at least 9 more months, OS language can be switched, and keyboard might not really be an issue.
Then, the question is whether to get a non-glare type display (the only option here is the Lenovo Thinkpad with the uber-ugly design ;o; ...) or get one with a glare-type design and maybe buy one of those protective films for the display that apparently improve the mirror-effect a bit (experience with that?). For this option I'm considering this Fujitsu: FMV-BIBLO NF (<- I think that's actually a Lifebook, but the model names are completely different in Japan?!?)

Is also available in black (the design is by far not as cool as the German version, but not really super ugly either. Could live with that). A lot of you recommended Fujitsu, right? :)
96.800¥ (~860€) <- much more expensive than the German one!!!

EDIT: It is possible for some Lifebooks to choose between glare-type or non-glare type (+3000yen wtf!!) / See here. So I could get a custom made Lifebook, but have to pay around 120.000yen (x___X) *dizzy*

Or this Asus: ASUS K52F

Nice design. Have yet to find test reports about it, though....
74.500¥ (or 84.000¥with a slightly stonger processor..) (~662€)
The Fujitsu Lifebook would probably last longer, I guess, but it still hurts that I could get a better one so much cheaper in Germany ;o; .....

As for the glare-type displays. Of course there's the option to buy protective films, but I don't know how well they work. Looks quite good here. Anybody experience with that?? But they CAN get quite expensive!! (20$+)


I'm completely at a loss here!!! I have no clue what to do

I use my notebook every single day, I work my notebooks hard, so I really need a good one that I'll be satisfied with!
I mainly use it for office works such as internet, e-mails, photoshopping, studying, managing photos etc., but also to listen to music (via earphones) and watching movies (just .avi-files no DVDs or Blu-Ray disks so far!).
Right now I use it as desktop replacement, so I don't need a strong battery and it doesn't need to be that light.
I'm used to the 15'' display I have and I think something in that size would be nice again. Now that I'm not using it as mobile notebook anymore, a little bit bigger display might be possible as well.


I'm sorry to bother you yet again (-__-'')

Please, let's get done with it, so I can move on, ya? *sigh*

P.S.: Why does looking for new electronic applications suck out all my strength always and makes me feel like crap?
P.P.S.: Finally started planning my trip in summer, nothing set yet, but on my list are Nagoya, Gifu, Inuyama and Ise so far (not sure if I can go to all those places, so, and am not yet finished planning, halfway through at best!)
P.P.P.S.: Germany AND Japan both lost their last games. Maybe I should stop watching their games, maybe then they can win again (I didn't watch their first game!! XD)

Thanks so much!

Much love friends!


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