[Japan]: Armies of insects killed my notebook! ;o;

Jun 18, 2010 17:30

Hello! Gudn' Taaaa~ch!

It's finally raining, rainy season has officially started and although I hate rain this time I'm actually GLAD that it's finally raining.

Here's why:

That's not sand or anything, but millions of tiny, yuckie insects!!!!!!! I'm not even sure I know exactly what they were, maybe baby mosquitoes, maybe flies .... (>_>)
But what you see on that photo is actually harmless!!! That's only the leftovers the next morning!! They already cleaned most of it up!!
The night before in our school, they were everywhere!! Inside, too, so we had to spray (I hate insect spray as I also get affected by it easily, headache etc. ...), but we really had no other choice!!

They plastered all our windows and what was worse: the entrance door!!!!!! It was like in a horror movie, I kid you not!!!

Some female students waited outside (at night!!!) because they were too disgusted to come in! One of our male teachers went outside with the spray and sprayed the door from the outside for a few minutes.
After a while we had thousands of insect corpses lying around on the floor inside and IN OUR SHOES etc. .... it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo disgusting!!! (;o;) ....

... I can't say it often enough: I hate summer in Japan!!! *sigh*

One of my coworkers also told me that she saw quite a few "mukade" (centipede) around her house. I wouldn't care about those and just kick them out if I saw one, but the thing is they're poisonous!!!!!!!
Not only a little bit, they can kill people!!!! Especially children are in danger, but if they hit the right spot (vein) they also can kill adults ;o; ......
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! イヤーーー!!! ダダダッε=ε=εε=ε=ε=( ┯_┯)

..... okay, let's talk about something else, before we all start throwing up! (^-^)> .............

Twitter readers might already know, I went to a cancer check-up the other day.
In Japan, you'll get a postcard kind of thing the year you turn 30 and then certain cancer check-ups will be much cheaper than usually. Of course it was all about things the gyno can check (brest cancer etc.)
As medical health care in Japan is EXTREMELY expensive (in my eyes - compared to Germany!), I used that chance.
By now you might already know that I'm not really a fan of Japanese medical standards, but what can I do?

So, I went to the hospital early in the morning, brought my electronic dictionary and my iPod touch (with dictionary on it) with me just in case (to be well prepared) and then was given a few forms to fill out.
Actually I was kind of proud because although medical related stuff is really difficult, I was able to answer almost all of it quickly and without help!!!
There were just 2 or 3 words I didn't know, so I wanted to check them quickly. I grabbed my dictionary just to see that the battery was empty (T___T) ...... then I tried the iPod, but the program was not opening at all .....
In the end I had to ask at the reception what that stuff means ("Do you have anything inside your vagina right now?" .... no, that was not embarrassing at ALL1111!!!!! [insert sarcastic laughter here]

I had 4 different spots I had to go to. They also gave me a map with all spots I had to go to that day. It's quite a big hospital, so I was walking quite a lot.

First was the uterus check.
Not very pleasant.

I hate it when a nurse guides you to the chair and then leaves you alone. You sit on the chair and there's that curtain so you can't see anybody! You just hear the voice of a male doctor who you haven't even seen/met yet!!!! He just says hello and then starts the examination.
I mean WTF!!!!! He just said that he can't see much today .... it hurt quite a lot and actually I started bleeding today (just a few days after the examination). I hope that dork didn't hurt anything inside me ;o; ......
Never happened to me in Germany! *sigh*

The breast check was okay.
Two different male doctors. One was just touching, the other one was doing an ultrasonic examination.
The first doc tried to use his English on me, so I ended up not understanding his questions -___-;

You know, how the fuck do you think I filled out those questionnaires?????? With basic Japanese?????

I hate it when they do it when it's about something important!!! Don't fucking try to practice your English in that kind of situations pleeeeease!!!!!!!! (-____-'') .....
The other doc was quite nice :) I also tried him to tell about previous examinations and their results.
I'm not sure they did care much.
The results will be sent to me in 2-3 weeks.

I don't think one's health is in really good hands here in Japan.

If I had something serious, I would go back to Germany (although then, I might have difficulties signing up for health insurance again there ...)

Sorry, that was quite intimate (x_x) .........

And we're not done yet!!!

I decided to buy a new notebook after all as I just can't figure out how to fix my old one (that is - if it can be fixed at all anyways).
A friend of mine who knows quite a lot about computers in general suggested to look for the following things:
brand: Acer, HP, Fujitsu or Sony
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo or i5/i7
Memory: 4GB

My personal wishes are just that it's much faster than my current one. I don't need to be able to carry it around a lot as I mainly use it at home anyways.
I don't care about Blu-Ray drives and stuff (not right now).
I'd love to have a built-in card reader that can read my
camera's memory cards (including SDHC).
I'd prefer a non-mirror-effect screen, but it seems that most new models only offer mirror-effect screens nowadays ;o; Why??!!
My current laptop (a Toshiba Satellite from 2005 btw.) is 15", so I'd love to have something in that size again, because I'm used to it. It's not too big and not too small either :D

That's about it.

After looking around
to see what's available in Japan right now I decided to skip Fujitsu and HP (quite expensive! ....) and go with either Acer or Sony.
Only very few fulfill my requirements.
These are:

Acer Aspire 5741 AS5741-H54D/S for ~63.000yen (~630$ / 560€)

The other one is:
VAIO Eシリーズ VPCEB18FJ for 100.000yen (~1000$ / 900€) (in ugly blue or black for 98.000yen)

The main data is exactly the same!
The Sony additionally has more software (e.g. Office 2007 - but that would be in Japanese and I want to install my old GERMAN Office 2003 on the notebook anyways!!) and it also has a Blu-Ray drive (I don't really care).
It seems that the Sony can read my beloved SDHC memory cards, but the Acer can't (an external card reader is very cheap, though!)
The Sony has by far the better/nicer design. The pink version is already sold out. The white one is not yet sold out but also very popular and thus more expensive than the normal black or the ugly blue version. (I guess your eyes hurt after a while of using a laptop with such bright colors XD .. actually I read through the Japanese reviews and one user actually said that his/her eyes hurt after a while using the pink one! XD)

Well, there are some alternatives, of course, such as the Lenovo G560 (69.000yen) or the Fujitsu FMV-BIBLO NF/G70 (96.000yen), but ... I think the Acer would probably be the best choice. It's really cheap compared to all the others while it still has really good hardware. There's no recovery CD-ROM, though. You'd have to create your own (and I have no clue how to do that XD ....)

Anyone owns one of those brands and can tell me if they could recommend it or not (and why/why not??). I think that would help me.

My current Toshiba laptop is my first laptop ever, so I have no experience with any other brand :/


I also finally got a new mouse (optic cable! I don't like wireless):

Japan has so many extremely cute (but expensive) computer mice!!! In the end I didn't go with a cute one, but with one that looked huge enough for my long fingers and well ... at least there's some pink!! XD
My old mouse is .... old and falling apart, so it was about time! XD

Yah, busy days, somehow. Upon FINALLY GETTING MY CREDIT CARD (yay!!!) and getting stuff I wanted to have for quite a while now and starting to look for notebooks, I almost forgot that I also still have to plan my summer trip in August ;o; ... Yah, I still haven't done it *sigh* ....

But, oh well ....
One of my purchases is this:

The Seaside Motel - Official Book (*____________________*)v Yay!!!!~

I took a few crappy photos to share with you:

(*click to enlarge)

Funny, dorky and yet smexy faces of Toma! That's how we love him (*___*)v

Quite a lot of erotic scenes in this movie.
And now, believe it or not, but that photo didn't turn out like that on purpose! XD

There are so many tiny moments when you think Nakatsu is back! A grown-up better looking Nakatsu who actually gets the girl, though (*__*)b

I want this as poster!!! Yes, not the poster itself, but Toma staring at the poster - that's what I want as poster. How many times did I type poster now? XDDDDDDD

Well, not only Toma was in that drama. Tetsuji Tamayama was in there, too (and many others!!).
He was kind of cool, but where was the fashion sense in that room. All of them looked horrible! Even Riko Narumi looked horrible XD ... nah, well she was still the best dressed person in that room XD

(*________________*) BRUSTHAAR!!! XD

Random Rant:
My Amazon package didn't get delivered to my apartment, but to my work place yet again.
I have no idea what that postman is thinking!
I was home all day long, so now I know that he didn't even try to check if I'm home first!!! Of course it's nice if he comes to work if I'm not home, but if he always goes there straight without even checking if I'm home or not it's annoying!
The package this time was quite heavy, so it would have been very difficult to get it home on my bike. Luckily a coworker brought it here after work yesterday.
I checked again and again but I only gave Amazon my apt's address. Well, it's a small city, so the post officer just knows where I'm working, but I think he's just lazy. He knows that somebody will be there at my workplace for sure to accept the package, so he doesn't have to come again.
I can't accept it, though. For me it's quite troubling. Also, I don't want my other coworkers or my boss to know each time I ordered something from Amazon. AAAH!!! (-___-

Last, but not least. It's "June Bride" time over at Poupéegirl!
Nothing really breathtaking so far, but there's a discount for changing your hair right now!
That's my current hairstyle which I like a lot and I just changed it a while ago anyways:

This new hairstyle is quite cute, too, but I probably won't change my hair this time.
I also don't wanna say goodbye to the reddish hair color yet ;P

Still so many things to do!!

I also wanna watch
Germany's next game tonight (Japanese time)!! (*___*)
Yay! Japan's team actually won!! ^-^

That's it.
Read you again soon!

*japan: life, .'ikuta toma: pictures, .'ikuta toma: movies, .'ikuta toma, *pc, *poupéegirl

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