(no subject)

May 22, 2010 01:09

So I was checking out you guys' posts on my friends page and I just realized that everybody's graduating all of sudden! It was like.. last day of high school, and graduation parties, and leaving college.. Lol! Congrats to all the graduates (and soon-to-be graduates, if YOU haven't got there yet. Like me)! Of course everything is all weird considering the school calender in Brazil is different from Europe/USA calendars. We start school in February so I don't even start thinking about it till November. Right now I can't wait for July to come already, I need a break!!

This next semester will be seriously tough. I'm probably going to start taking these extra classes because I'm hoping to get into military school next year, and the test is at the end of this year already and it's super hard to get in. I don't suppose military school is most people's top pick in other countries (then again, I don't really know) but here the fact is that public education sucks. I mean, it's really bad. And private schools are ridiculously expensive, but if you want to have good education you've got to pay. Anyway, military school is one of the best places we've got and it's free, if you manage to get in of course. What they do is offer up the spots left after all the military kids are in and accounted for. Last year, for example, there were 8 spots for the 10th grade (which is what I'm going for next year), and there are like a hundred kids trying for them, so it's way tough. Did I say it was free? Well there is a small tax you have to pay every month but it's the equivalent of like R$100, the last years may be around R$200. But my current school is more then 3 times that, so it's totally worth it. Lots of my friends are also trying out for these technical courses CEFET/COLTEC, where you already sort of specialize in the subjects you'll need for your future choices in university, but since I'm still at a loss regarding what I want to do after I graduate from school, I think that wouldn't be the best choice for me. Though I'm tempted to take the tests at the end of the year to see if I can get in, with no extra classes or anything, just to kind of ease my conscience. What I really want is military school though. You can even be part of the equestrian team in there!!! :D

Poll My future is in you hands :DFirst poll I post, thought I'd throw it in there.. I am very unsure about what I want! What do you guys find interesting? Btw.. I threw Physical Education in there out of nowhere.. had never thought of it but it came to me, maybe that's a sign? xD

Anyway.. I managed to schedule a hair appointment tomorrow (or actually, later today haha) afternoon. Yay, so excited, will be getting my hair cut *sarcasm* My Saturday so far is promising to be incredibly boring. At least I'll catch up on my homework, I am drowning in papers, and my next exams on Monday are math and bio and I have to study bio and I mean study it. Math is pretty easy, just got to check up on my geometry because the algebra part is incredibly easy. A piece of cake :P If I mess up my algebra after this I will strangle myself, haha.

It's 1 o'clock in the morning and the house is all dark and quiet, I'm typing in my bed by screen light.. tomorrow I have to get up early, I still have the barn in the morning. So good night guys, lol.

school, random thoughts

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