May 27, 2010 08:20
Good morning :D If you're on my side of the hemisphere, that is. Otherwise, good night. Or evening. Anyway, it's almost 8 and I woke up today at 6:45am on my own. No alarm clocks :O I suppose it's excitement *woo*
Today is my field trip! :) I mentioned it a few posts back. I'm going away till Sunday (probably won't get online till then by the way, unless we can get on the computer at the hotel). Technically, I have normal school today, but nobody who's going on the trip is going to class. I mean, it ends at 12:40pm, and we have to be back for the bus at 1:15pm tops!! No time. It leaves at 1:30 to take us to the airport, then it's only a 50min flight out of the state to Sao Paulo. I will take lots of pictures!!! Hopefully I'll be able to share them on here when I get back.
Yesterday I got home from the barn at 8pm and still had not even started packing. It took me a while, but I managed to eat, take a shower, pack and do homework so I don't drown in even more papers on Monday. I'm supposed to get more stuff done now, before I leave. I WILL do it. Beside the hands-on work this field trip represents, perks include the Cats musical and a dinner at the Italian restaurant.. from what my friends were saying I think I might be slightly under-dressed for the latter but whatever, I spent ages trying to find a more sophisticated outfit and in the end gave up. Just some black jeans and a basic long-sleeve tshirt. Although I am wearing heels, so that counts as something right? I suck at clothes >.< Can't even form coherent sentences about it lmao. Why can't we just go in tees and jeans and converse all stars anyway. We're going to EAT for goodness's sake.
Well, I must have breakfast now, and then I'm going to do some school work but I'll get on here before lunch again!! I'm also commenting on you guys' entries, but I'm slow :P
P.S. I watched some hilarious videos the other day I thought about sharing but never got around to it, will see if I remember later!
field trip