This isn't really a review.

Aug 13, 2011 19:21

I saw Rise of the Planet of the Apes. (If you're curious about the trailers: In Time - the Sexy People Dystopian Future movie - The Thing, and Dream House.) Really, all I can say is I can't remember the last time I saw a movie where the human characters annoyed me so much and I wanted everyone to die. I started giggling when Caesar bit off Rodney McKay's finger because BLOOD. I also wanted the first two-thirds of the movie to disappear. Probably because the final act was all violence (and not enough - it was amazing what kinds of things happened without people dying).

But yes. This is what I took away from the movie:

-Needs more apes.
-Rodney McKay killed humanity.
-I prefer my Draco Malfoy not extra-crispy, thanks. (Taser and water? Really?)

(cleolinda's spoilery review is more positive than my feelings. Roger Ebert's thoughts were closer to mine.)

(I am also not afraid of non-human primates like a lot of people seem to be. But if you are, I assume the movie would be nightmare fuel.)

In other news, my local Borders is...still really full, actually. But the workers are getting creative. Above books about food:


In other other news, art claims for Vampire Big Bang went up! (If you're a member of the community, go here.) Which means I have to start edits on yet another Big Bang in the next couple days! *weep*

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