
Aug 14, 2011 01:01

I was having a discussion with
newredshoes on Twitter about there needing to be a community where people write summaries for you/teach you how to write good summaries. And then I was thinking about the lack of response I got with my SPN Big Bang and the fact that I'm lacking art claims on yet another big bang.

So. Is there some kind of community geared toward fic promotion, as it were? Some place where people come together to talk about what days to post fic and summary tricks and fandom preferences and so on? I know a lot of my difficulties at the moment have to do with other factors - bad luck with site performance, poorly-written stories, story elements not appealing to the masses, terrible social anxiety, and so on - but it'd be nice to have confidence in one area of my fic sharing, you know?

If something doesn't exist...well, I'm not making a community because I'm a very very bad mod. (See also: terrible social anxiety. And a million other things.) But I'd be sorely tempted.

Edit: Ooh, and wouldn't it be great if said community also covered feedback? Like, this is how you write a good comment for fanfic, fanart, podfic, fanvids, etc.? And what the author could say back besides variations on "thank you"?


Also posted on Dreamwidth (
comment[s]). Feel free to comment on either entry.

fandom: *general, fanfic: general

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