Doctor Who

May 08, 2010 22:11

*sigh* At this point I'm far enough behind on Doctor Who that I might as well switch to the BBCA viewing schedule. I'm just not obsessed enough with the show anymore to sequester myself away with my computer to watch it and rewatch it and make caps and all that stuff I did for the last couple of years. I can't say that I'm a big fan of watching things on my laptop anyway.

There's nothing bad about this season that I can put a finger on, and I've enjoyed the episodes I've seen. Even the ones that everyone else hated. I just don't LOVE it. I need more character development or something. Eleven is wonderful as the Doctor, but I'm not sure who Eleven is yet. And the same with Amy though I'm more of a Doctor partisan so I need a Doctor I can love and care about more than a companion; not that I would object to both. Or maybe it was only Ten that could get me into Doctor Who at that level, and without him, it's a show that I don't mind waiting for. The season is still early yet (for me at least *g*) so everything could still change, but right now it has a ways to go before it reaches the level of season 4 for me.

Now I'm off to watch the Time of Angels. Yay!

ETA: I just wanted to note that I am not at all worried about being spoiled. I know everyone is good about cutting, but I won't get upset if I run across a plot point or someone mentions a future episode.

tv: doctor who

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