Day 03 - Your favorite new show (aired this TV season)

May 08, 2010 11:58

(full list) If I have to pick a show that started airing in the past year, I don't know if I have one. However, I'm going to interpret this as a currently airing show that I discovered in the past year. *g* It's a meme, not a test.

Actually, I ended up picking two on further thought. One that started airing in 2008 and the other in 2009. Both of which have season passes on my dvr.

For my favorite new show, I pick Leverage! This is probably not a surprise to anyone who has been following my journal the last few months. I just love the show. My favorite characters are Nate and Parker. They are both made of awesome. But so are the rest of the cast! Sophie and Eliot and Hardison are wonderful as well. And they've done an excellent job on the recurring cast. Sterling, Tara, and Maggie are great fun to watch.

One thing I love about the show is how integral the female characters are to the plot and how three dimensional they are in general. I have to put most of that down to a man - John Rogers. It's obvious from John Rogers' blog that he sees women as people (not the other) and he was the one who hired a number of female writer for the show. Chris Downey and John Rogers are the creators, so they have writing credits for everything. Of the remaining writers for the first two seasons, there are four women and one man. And it shows.

Season 3 starts June 20!!! Netflix has seasons 1 and 2 available to rent and for streaming! Watch!


Okay, after I wrote this up, I remembered White Collar! It's on its third season also, but it started in the past year since the seasons they are short on cable networks. However, I didn't want to get rid of the Leverage plug, so you get two shows for this day. :D

White collar is fun show that owes most of my interest in it to the chemistry between the two leads - Peter and Neal. (Also Matt Bomer who plays Neal is VERY pretty but that would only get me through a couple of episodes.) If you're looking for gritty or realistic, go elsewhere. If you want a buddy show with a case of the week - and a potential OT3 in the form of Peter/Neal/Elizabeth (Peter's wife) - this is a show for you.

tv: leverage, meme, tv, meme: tv, tv: white collar

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