A bit of squee for Time of Angels

May 09, 2010 09:12

I know that I just wrote a post saying that I'm a bit MEH about this season of Doctor Who, but I feel the need to squee about one line in Time of Angels. *g* What can I say? My relationship with the show is complicated. I love but I'm fine with waiting a couple of weeks to watch.

There's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow, there's one thing you never, ever, put in a trap: me.

I just LOVE this line! *squee* It doesn't matter to me that the Angels were probably trying to get him to find a way out. (Maybe so they can get out?) It's still awesome! Completely Badass. Just the way I like my Doctor!

Also, River is both fun and annoying. However, she annoys the Doctor as well so she's meant to be annoying. Either way her annoyingness doesn't bother me so long as she's recurring. As a full time companion, I think I'd want to stab her with pointy things. And so would the Doctor. :D One more note - her shoes. Completely fierce.

doctor who: s5, tv, tv: doctor who

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