Title: Revelations
Episode/Season Rewritten: Prophecy
Rating: PG-13
Other Pairings: some mentions Clois and Chlollie
Spoilers: Seasons 9 and 10 in general, I guess?
Disclaimer: If I owned Smallville, things would have ended a lot differently. NUFF SAID.
Summary: A shocking discovery leaves Chloe reeling.
Warnings: a bit of strong language
Notes: An AU take on Prophecy, another kind of "Fix It" fic, if you will. Based on some speculations that were had in the weeks before the ep aired. I figured the story should still be told, even if TPTB decided not to. *shrugs* The fic is kind of based on a line from Selina's song "Dreaming Of You". Hope you like!
(Chloe's brows are furrowed, her pretty little face filled with confusion.)