Why Superman Likes Pink (PG)

Aug 29, 2010 02:51

Title: Why Superman Likes Pink
Canon Starting Point: I guess any point after Chloe knows Clark's secret?
Rating: PG
Other Pairings: Superman/Lois
Spoilers: You might notice a slight reference to Abyss, if you blink.
Disclaimer: If I owned Smallville, *I* would be in charge of writing the final season. NUFF SAID.
Summary: The smallest of things can bring the sweetest of memories back... no matter how hard you've tried to forget them.
Notes: This little fic came to me at random while looking at my au100 prompt table. It's kind of a crossover with Superman: The Movie, and inserts a little self-reflection into probably the most memorable scene in the film, at least for me. And yes, as there usually is with my fics, there's a little twist in this. :p

('Do you like pink?')

form: one shot, what: futurefic

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