Mood, date, work

Jun 18, 2013 21:19

I've been extra depressed lately.  And extra exhausted.  There's been a lot more conventions and conferences lately, so I've been run ragged checking the temperatures in all the spaces as often as every hour.  My legs and feet are fucking sore every single day and Dad keeps dragging me out to fix more air conditioners on the side.  It's been the first heat swell of the season, so everyone's units are breaking (or old problems are showing up) during longer run times.

The day I came into work to find out that the entire hotel had without air conditioning the entire previous night and evening.  We'd been having trouble with the chillers, but got them running when quitting time came around.  Not 30 minutes after we left, they went down again.  Second shift didn't do anything or notify anyone.  Third shift didn't do anything, either.  Naturally, us first shift HVAC guys have to haul our asses in early to try and unfuck the mess.  Of course, our aging, poorly maintained equipment can't keep a constant temperature under the barrage of the combined body heat of a hundred or two bodies and thousands of watts of incandescent bulbs.  Expecting it to spit out ice cubes and power 80 degree (27 C) rooms down to 70 is a pipe dream.  It's especially not going to happen when it's 90 outside!

Bleh.  My 90 day review should be any day now.  I'm pretty sure it should've already happened.  I should probably care about that.

I finally went on that date I was talking about!  We had some great conversation over dinner, though it may not have been an actual date date.  It's a grey area.  We're definitely friends and I'm, like, 85% sure we could be more.  She's poly and has a dominant so fitting into that structure should interesting.  So many ideas for future outings came up!  She wants to go to the range sometime and I can make that happen.  I mentioned I want to try wine and it turns out she has a lifetime supply of wine tastings.  Then there's bad geology movie nights, where she and her friends scream and laugh at the TV... sounds like a good time to me.
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