Purchase orders

Jul 16, 2013 10:20

Why does the corporate office issue edicts like this?  When I create a purchase order, I can start it by picking from a list of items we've ordered before or I can start a "blank" PO for stuff we've never ordered.  Corporate wants us to not use blank POs unless it's an emergency.  Or maybe never.  The problem is that I don't know who is supposed to enter the lists of items we've ordered and no one I've talked to knows who does it either.  However, even if the accounting software worked perfectly (Ha. haha. hahahaha.) the maintenance department needs to order a much greater variety of items than housekeeping, sales, or the kitchen.  We've got three cooling towers, three chillers, 26 air handlers, and goodness knows how many exhaust fans, plus, I don't know, ten ice machines and five or six walk-in coolers and freezers and all of that equipment ranges from 40 years old to brand new!  This is not like housekeeping's department where they have standard sheets, standard toilet paper, standard shower curtains and so on.

The hotel's fire alarm system has had to be on 'test' a lot lately because of construction on the 18th floor.  (DID YOU KNOW THAT smoke detectors detect the airborne particulates in smoke, so large quantities of virtually any dusty material can set them off.  NOW YOU KNOW)  They've often picked me to watch the panel and be ready to use the PA system to find out if an alarm is an actual fire.  The problem is that I don't really know how to sue the fire alarm panel beyond the very basics... but no one else working here knows either.  If the fire marshal comes by and finds someone totally inexperienced watching the panel, she's not going to be happy
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