A date!

Jun 07, 2013 00:33

I'm in the process of trying to schedule what I realized earlier could be called a date.  I met the girl in question at a kink event and since then we've chatted online and seen each other regularly at karaoke.  This week, I had just sat down next to her when she said, "Gosh, I'm surrounded by hot guys!"  I thought, "Wait... There's only me and another guy sitting next to her.  Since she used the plural, that implies... She thinks I'm hot!"  I did an inward schoolgirl giggle.  I still get a grin when I think about and that was Wednesday.  It's a new experience for me.

She's a big ol' nerd like me, though we are nerdy about different things.  She's a big Dr. Who fan and has Bad Geology Movie Nights where much yelling at the screen occurs.  She just finished her geology degree.

Eee!  A date!
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