Aug 31, 2014 18:50

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Here we are at the end! I want to start by thanking everyone who was involved in this exchange (writers, readers, spectators, cheerleaders) for making it such a success. When we began, I never imagined that chinguline would hit #1 on Livejournal's top journals of the day multiple times over the course of posting. None of this could have happened without you and your generous participation.

A million thanks goes out to the wonderful pinch hitters that came through in the clutch for us: markerlimes, rubyls, gdgdbaby, michaelwesten, yeolie, and onyu, who wrote extra stories on top of their own assignments; loudestoflove, colorfunk, shykai, sardothien, and a sweet anon, who signed up specifically to pinch hit and were called upon when dropouts occurred throughout the exchange; and quid and cocacola, who hadn't originally signed up to write or pinch hit but still agreed to help out of the kindness of their hearts.

This endeavor started out as a mere idea on Twitter and blossomed into an exchange that churned out 82 stories in 3 months' time. Some stats: chinguline garnered a whopping total word count of 739,470 words, nearly ¾ of a million. The most written ship of the exchange was actually OT4 (yay!), coming in at 26 stories. In terms of pairings, Chanyeol/D.O appeared in 25 stories, followed by Baekhyun/Chen and Baekhyun/D.O, appearing in 22 and 14 stories respectively.

On a personal note, I want to thank everyone who listened to me groan and cry and freak out as the exchange unfolded. This was a one-mod show and things got pretty stressful here and there, but everything went smoothly thanks to your unending support and endurance (and the occasional hand-holding). Special thanks to R for providing me with essential scaffolding and advice that absolutely contributed to chinguline's smooth operation behind the scenes. Thanks to the participants for bearing with my sometimes long, often persistent emails and being all-around superstars about getting your stories to me. Finally, thank you to everyone who's been here from the beginning, especially the ones who decided to stick around during developmental hell, aka that period of time in the spring when all I tweeted was stupid TFLN and ASW remixes on the mod account. It's been a long summer, but it's been a blast. So long, and thanks for all the fic!

Without any further ado, here are your summer 2014 CHINGUX writers:

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DAY 1: AUG 20, 2014

chajatta wrote: sunshine in an empty place, for galaxygege (Baekhyun-centric, PG, 9159w)
Baekhyun has seen ghosts for as long as he can remember, has heard more stories about death than he could possibly count, but sometimes it’s important to remember that living one’s own life to the fullest, creating one’s own story, is the most important.

hailynx wrote: mixed signs, for bcnf3nf (Baekhyun/Chen, Chanyeol/Chen, Chen/D.O, PG-13, 8000w)
When the three of them decided on Jongdae as the additional member for their band, it was purely for his vocal talents.

rivenlux wrote: the way we are, for design_ok (Baekhyun/D.O, PG-13, 7500w)
beagleline make a bet amidst promotions, which has baekhyun thinking about his relationship with kyungsoo.

michaelwesten wrote: to have and to hold, for jewtaik (Chanyeol/Chen, R, 3184w)
there's no way chanyeol would forget to bring the rings to his own wedding. (he totally forgets to bring the rings to his own wedding. jongdae loves him anyway.)

markerlimes wrote: and so the ghost whispered, for figletofvenice (Chanyeol/D.O, PG-13, 4500w)
Chanyeol is on recon, settling in with a fake wife and everything, when Kyungsoo shows up on a muggy Saturday morning in front of Chanyeol’s cute little cul-de-sac to tell him that EXO’s skeleton in the closet is not so dead after all. spy!au, minor powers!au

jewtaik wrote: remedy, for atharaigas (Chen/D.O, R, 13000w)
“I hear you run the nastiest crew this side of the Pacific.” “Who wants to know?” Good intentions turned wrong.

gdgdbaby wrote: even though i walk through the valley, for coffeeromances (D.O-centric, OT4, NC-17, 3909w)
no normal person could possibly handle three demons out for a piece of his soul. then again, young master do isn't exactly normal.

canadaphile wrote: suddenlovely, for krasavchik_yad (OT4, Baekhyun-centric, G, 3100w)
Best friends over boyfriends until one of the three best friends becomes the boyfriend.

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DAY 2: AUG 21, 2014

gloomvalleys wrote: baby maybe, for kyulyn (Baekhyun/Chanyeol, PG-13, 3600w)
Baekhyun screws everything up, Chanyeol eats as a coping mechanism, and Jongdae and Kyungsoo are just along for the ride.

kryaoi wrote: (this is) what we call love, for EVERYONE (Baekhyun/Chen, PG-13, 5597w)
(faking it! au) Chingu line are running for school presidency and Chanyeol has the idea of making Baekhyun and Jongdae a couple to get them votes. Except Jongdae was never faking it.

burritao wrote: inertia creeps, for EVERYONE (Baekhyun/Chen, Chen/D.O, Baekhyun/Chanyeol, NC-17, 5319w)
With the biggest heist they've pulled off yet, infamous criminal duo Baekhyun and Chen are getting ready to catch a plane with their teammates Kyungsoo and Chanyeol. But apparently, not everyone is what they seem, and things get heated, fast.

rubyls wrote: möbius, for EVERYONE (Chanyeol/D.O, PG-13, 13220w)
In 2016, Kyungsoo throws time for a loop. Looper!au.

bookishvice wrote: another unbelievable night with the boys, for gdgdbaby (OT4, PG-15, 5800w)
After being arrested for running red light, having an alcoholic drink open in the backseat, and indecent exposure, Kyungsoo, Chen, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol have to figure out a way out of jail in time to get to the Halloween party of the year. A party where Soo’s soon-to-be boyfriend awaits.

design_ok wrote: big trouble in little china, for aprilclash (OT4, R, 10000w)
They are handsome. They are brilliant. And they work for Kyungsoo. (Charlie's Angels AU)

figletofvenice wrote: stubborn marrow in bastard bones, for EVERYONE (OT4, Chen/D.O, PG-13, 4546w)
pacific rim au.

shouldshy wrote: recall, for sunnysparks (OT4, D.O-centric, PG-13, 17400w)
Kyungsoo takes one step and is pulled into their lives. Two steps, and he doesn't want to leave. Three steps--he falls.

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DAY 3: AUG 22, 2014

galaxygege wrote: lame, for ganlanshu (Baekhyun/Chanyeol, NC-17, 4174w)
Chanyeol and his lame jokes are not going to get to Baekhyun’s nerves.

shykai wrote: teamplay, for rubyls (Baekhyun/Chen, Chanyeol/Chen, Chanyeol/D.O, Baekhyun/Chanyeol, NC-17, 21000w)
On court and off, Jongdae makes good use of her kneepads.

astrou wrote: can you diglett?, for onyu (Baekhyun/D.O, PG, 7900w)
byun baekhyun embarks on his pokemon journey and finds a little more than he bargained for along the way.

jakeun wrote: good company is hard to find, for michaelwesten (Chanyeol/D.O, PG, 3343w)
chanyeol is the bassist for a band called beagle room, and kyungsoo’s a big fan of his mixtapes. over the course of one night, in an adventure across seoul, they somehow fall together. nick and norah’s infinite playlist au, kind of.

tiggie0307 wrote: just right in the end, for EVERYONE (Chanyeol/D.O, Baekhyun/Chen, PG-13, 2370w)
Kyungsoo hates dating but finds someone who makes it ok.

doyouseemeyet wrote: poker face, for greytipped (OT4, R, 5821w)
Blogs are for girls… and Jongdae’s college stories.

coffeeromances wrote: growl me out, for colourstacia (OT4, Chanyeol/Chen, PG-13, 5212)
Messing with an angry coordinator is like waiting for an accident to happen, especially when that coordinator is named Do Kyungsoo.

greytipped wrote: all work and no play (makes kyungsoo a liar), for voldemochi (OT4, various, PG-13, 26800w)
The last place Kyungsoo expected to meet his ex-boyfriend, Park Chanyeol, was at a cat adoption shelter. Kyungsoo brings home Chen, and Chanyeol takes Baekhyun, but it’s not that easy to forget Chanyeol. Kyungsoo has always been selfish.

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DAY 4: AUG 23, 2014

krasavchik_yad wrote: four dudes, one car, for intoxecated (Baekhyun/Chanyeol, Baekhyun/Chen, beagles, NC-17, 10700w)
Some cars aren’t meant to carry emotional baggage.

homages wrote: counting days, for burritao (Baekhyun/Chen, OT4, PG-13, 5200w)
AU! Baekhyun weasels into Jongdae’s life and brings along a few other friends.

sunnysparks wrote: on different ends, for EVERYONE (Baekhyun/D.O, PG-13, 31000w)
The opposite attracts as being on different ends of the pole brings absolute balance to the scale of nature.

severalstories wrote: that may be all i need, for tiggie0307 (Chanyeol/D.O, PG-13, 5023w)
Chanyeol isn’t sure what to think of Jongdae’s new roommate until they bond over music. Then he can’t stop thinking about him.

sardothien wrote: game changer, for EVERYONE (Chanyeol/D.O, PG-13, 2432w)
Even back then, the days of dream sharing were numbered.

atharaigas wrote: phantomwise, dreaming as the summers die, for kojafras (OT4, PG, 4000w)
fairytale au: Sometimes the fairy tale world is the sanctuary, as opposed to the wolves that wait outside.

intoxecated wrote: fantastic friends and where to find them, for epitheliyeol (OT4, PG-13, 5221w)
Someone may or may not have a Time-Turner, and it's up to four seventh years to find out.

bcnf3nf wrote: have a super-time, for kyunqsoo (OT4, Baekhyun/D.O, Chen/D.O, Chanyeol/D.O, PG-13, 8600w)
Sometimes Baekhyun wonders about his past life and the amount of sin he must have done to be stuck babysitting two adults with offensive superpowers.

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DAY 5: AUG 24, 2014

nachtegael wrote: pandora’s bottle, for chanmimi (Chanyeol/D.O, Baekhyun/Chanyeol, PG-13, 9000w)
Chanyeol is surprised to find a bottle of whiskey outside his front door with a note attached.

iwantchocopie wrote: all great and precious things are lonely, for gloomvalleys (Baekhyun/Chen, PG-13, 5713w)
Jongdae thinks it is unfair how effortlessly Baekhyun becomes part of his life.

onyu wrote: what if this storm ends?, for severalstories (Baekhyun/D.O, NC-17, 43270w)
Sometimes you need to be a child again to have the courage to take a few necessary risks that can make being an adult so much easier.

dimerize wrote: if this was the last, for EVERYONE (Chanyeol-centric, PG-13, 9800w)
People have always needed love. (cupid au)

knotweed wrote: oh, baby, don’t hurt me, for hailynx (Chanyeol/Chen, Baekhyun/D.O, PG-13, 2400w)
the one where chanyeol has a crush on the new transfer student (who may or may not be a gang leader), baekhyun is not the least bit helpful, and rumors are really just rumors.

chocoyeol wrote: fly away, for puppyrexx (Chanyeol/D.O, Baekhyun/Chen, PG-13, 1334w)
elven prince chanyeol attends his best friend baekhyun's birthday ball, and as the faerie king is too busy making out with his boyfriend woodnymph jongdae, he meets silvertongued cynical pixie kyungsoo.

gdgdbaby wrote: the more things change (the more they stay the same), for idolkiller (Chanyeol/D.O, Baekhyun/Chen, R, 10500w)
Chanyeol gets a new editor. It takes him a while to adjust. Manhwa artist AU.

back_hug wrote: little giants, for drankcontrast (OT4, G, 3630w)
First day at a new school is never easy but Jongdae is rescued by Baekhyun. kid au

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DAY 6: AUG 25, 2014

bluedreaming wrote: clouds in my eye, for chocoyeol (Baekhyun/D.O, PG, 3138w)
Baekhyun doesn't realize how he feels about Kyungsoo until it's too late.

markerlimes wrote: attachment theory, for mouthwash (Chanyeol/D.O, NC-17, 23000w)
Even before the matching bruises and the couple rings, Chanyeol thinks he might have been Kyungsoo’s soulmate all along. A remix of EXO’s history from debut to now with a dash of magical realism. Canon fic.

kojafras wrote: a dude worth fighting for, for canadaphile (Chanyeol/D.O, Baekhyun/Chen, PG, 3210w)
Beauty is only skin deep. Chanyeol knows that, but Baekhyun and Jongdae disagree. Luckily, there’s someone there to back him up.

voldemochi wrote: (i will be your) hero, for baeklights (OT4, PG-13, 3155w)
chinguline with lame superpowers doing superhero things.

baeklights wrote: stop being a bitch ass bitch, for modelpress (OT4, Baekhyun/Chen, PG-13, 9896w)
How to make friends in prison.

rubyls wrote: work is a four letter word, for nachtegael (Baekhyun/D.O, PG-13, 4910w)
The sinking magazine Kyungsoo works for gets an extra team member to pull off a Titanic save, who seems to only encourage Kyungsoo to gallivant around during work. You’d expect Kyungsoo to know better.

mixmonitor wrote: operation phoenix, for fashcndy (Baekhyun/Chanyeol, PG-13, 28000w)
Park Chanyeol becomes the world's most dangerous weapon. Byun Baekhyun is the unlucky agent assigned to retrieve him. (superpowers/heist/spies!au)

frailspells wrote: victory is in a simple soul, for EVERYONE (D.O-centric, OT4, PG, 2000w)
hybrid au. even monster-hunters-in-training need some down time.

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DAY 7: AUG 26, 2014

drankcontrast wrote: shut up and kiss me, for cairistiona (Chanyeol/D.O, Baekhyun/Chen, PG-13, 3523w)
A kissing context seems like a fun way to start off their second year of college, but maybe only for those who have actually kissed someone before.

dasidolawa wrote: keep going to the same place as you, for dimerize (Baekhyun/Chen, PG-13, 7520w)
Baekhyun hadn't anticipated Jongin breaking up with him.

quid wrote: pitch fever, for sunlit (Chanyeol/D.O, PG-13, 2135w)
Kyungsoo learns to stop worrying and love the bulge bracket.

skyroll wrote: i’ll be the bullet in your gun, for miook (OT4, Chanyeol/D.O, PG-13, 12000w)
Chanyeol is good at what he does. And then D.O. had to show up and steal his thunder and his heart.

hopeandmemory wrote: more than a feeling, for EVERYONE (Chanyeol/Chen, PG-13, 9300w)
When Chanyeol, a session drummer at a recording studio, finds out his boss is taking on a new client, he doesn't expect it to be someone he's this familiar with.

epitheliyeol wrote: (fairy tale) adventure time, for anita_dee (OT4, PG, 9500w)
Children!chinguline love to spend their summer pretending to be great heroes of magical fairy tales, but after a series of bizarre and unexplainable events throw a new quest into their hands, they find that their adventure isn’t so pretend anymore.

loudestoflove wrote: swing batter batter swing, for rivenlux (D.O/All, PG, 5100w)
Kyungsoo’s friends aren’t nearly as subtle as they think they are, but that doesn’t mean that he can’t reap the rewards of this bet.

→ ANONYMOUS wrote: sink or swim, for chajatta (D.O-centric, OT4, Baekhyun/D.O, Chanyeol/Chen, NC-17, 31000w)
The South Korean men’s medley swimming team has hit an all-time low. What they need is a spark, and Do Kyungsoo might have just found exactly what-or who-they’re missing.

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DAY 8: AUG 27, 2014

coeurdelupine wrote: i ain’t afraid of no ghosts, for justangel (OT4, Chanyeol/D.O, PG-13, 6000w)
Baekhyun has a plan, it goes exactly as well as you’d expect (ghost hunt au)

anita_dee wrote: you want me (to fall on my head), for yeolie (Baekhyun/Chanyeol, PG-13, 2463w)
Whenever Baekhyun does something as dumb as bringing home the cute zombie from the bar, he gets a hangover and Kyungsoo's voice nagging in his ear.

mouthwash wrote: time machine, for astrou (Chanyeol/D.O, Baekhyun/Chen, PG-13, 8727w)
“We all have our time machines, don’t we. Those that take us back are memories… And those that carry us forward, are dreams.” - H.G. Wells.

colorfunk wrote: the leftovers club, for bookishvice (Baekhyun/D.O, NC-17, 3800w)
Breaking Kyungsoo out of prison requires more from Baekhyun than he originally planned. Vaguely a Guardians of the Galaxy AU.

kyunqsoo wrote: tell me if this is love, for coeurdelupine (D.O-centric, Chanyeol/D.O, R, 41400w)
It takes Kyungsoo a very long time to figure out just how much Chanyeol means to him. Too bad his timing sucks.

exobubz wrote: double negatives, for EVERYONE (Baekhyun/D.O, PG-13, 5347w)
Kyungsoo’s plan backfires.

chanmimi wrote: when chen is forced to hide in a swamp, for dasidolawa (OT4, PG-13, 2200w)
Chanyeol likes explosions. Chen is a pilot. Baekhyun loves cherry bubblegum. Kyungsoo is a cat. They team up to rob a money van.

yeolie wrote: a thimble to drown in, for hopeandmemory (Chanyeol/Chen, NC-17, 3100w)
No one told Jongdae that his new big brother would be the best and worst part of pledging. Frat!au

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DAY 9: AUG 28, 2014

fashcndy wrote: sweet disposition, for exobubz (Baekhyun/Chanyeol, PG-13, 3400w)
Baekhyun and Chanyeol are rivals, according to Baekhyun. Jongdae is responsible for a big misunderstanding. Jongin likes guys in striped shirts. (mall au)

puppyrexx wrote: morning, noon, and night, for knotweed (Chanyeol/Chen, NC-17, 3562w)
Chanyeol hates his coworkers with the burning passion of a thousand suns, but he can't quit his job due to the extremely cute customer who frequents the store, Jongdae.

aprilclash wrote: breathless (with a hint of hysteria), for EVERYONE (Baekhyun/Chen, OT4, R, 21000w)
It takes three mischievous kids, an ex-boyfriend, an obnoxious best friend and a murderous babysitter club president for Baekhyun to realise that, while everyone may have been in love with him, only Jongdae stole his breath and only Jongdae can bring it back.

cairistiona wrote: when cute meets cute, for EVERYONE (Chanyeol/D.O, Baekhyun/Chen, NC-17, 7530w)
Do Kyungsoo’s new purpose in life seems to be to distract or occupy Baekhyun’s new bodyguard when Baekhyun and Jongdae want to have sex.

miook wrote: sparks, for doyouseemeyet (D.O-centric, Baekhyun/Chanyeol, PG, 6518w)
There’s a new performer in town, and rumor has it he’s after Kyungsoo’s title.

onyu wrote: light a match, stand back, watch 'em explode, for kryaoi (Baekhyun/D.O, PG-13, 26000w)
Byun "Starburst" Baekhyun's words of wisdom: 1) fear The Cold, 2) even the most powerful supers also need help, and 3) there's no way to fight falling in love. (Superheroes AU)

colourstacia wrote: all in a day's work, for ventice (OT4, Chanyeol/Chen, PG-15, 2133w)
SMS excerpts from the life of Park Chanyeol: biochem major and matchmaker extraordinaire.

ventice wrote: you're stuck on me, for EVERYONE (Chanyeol/Chen, PG, 7078w)
loose coffee prince!au. kim jungdae has a hard life.

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DAY 10: AUG 29, 2014

justangel wrote: Колыбельная, for bluedreaming (D.O-centric, Chanyeol/D.O, NC-17, 11300w)
[Ms Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children/Mama!AU] Kyungsoo went on a journey to answer the call, and came to find everything he had missed from life and so much more.

kyulyn wrote: part of that world, for shouldshy (Baekhyun/D.O, Baekhyun/Chen, PG-13, 12825w)
two friends enter an antique shop with a rather grumpy sales assistant and end up with a surprise

modelpress wrote: no shame in my game, for markerlimes (Chanyeol/D.O, Baekhyun/Chen, PG-13, 12300w)
there are several things do kyungsoo hates about working at disneyland

sunlit wrote: sweeter than a song, brighter than the sun, for back_hug (Baekhyun/D.O, G, 6005w)
Kyungsoo transfers to a new school where capes are optional but strongly encouraged, and favourite people are surprisingly easy to come by.

ganlanshu wrote: the gods of the weather, for skyroll (D.O-centric, PG, 2575w)
Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Jongdae have the power to change the weather. Kyungsoo tries to make sure they don’t manage to screw up the entire world.

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DAY 11: AUG 30, 2014

idolkiller wrote: howl boy, for jakeun (OT4, Chanyeol/D.O, Baekhyun/Chen, PG-13, 6200w)
Kyungsoo is a werewolf, which means he can't afford to be picky about a lot of things, including roommates. post-Hogwarts Harry Potter AU.

cocacola wrote: play me, for iwantchocopie (Baekhyun-centric, Baekhyun/Chen, PG-13, 3097w)
Baekhyun is a terrible friend who should be banned from all electronics.

michaelwesten wrote: summer fling, don't mean a thing, for frailspells (Chanyeol/D.O, Baekhyun/Chen, NC-17, 23500w)
snapshots from a summer on the road. kyungsoo keeps kissing chanyeol and chanyeol's not sure what that means, but he knows he likes it a lot. warped tour au.

yeolie wrote: it's just a tango (but it's not easy), for mixmonitor (Baekhyun/Chanyeol, R, 1600w)
Baekhyun and Chanyeol broke up years ago, but when Baekhyun’s best friend marries Chanyeol’s sister, the two have a chance to reconnect.

gdgdbaby & michaelwesten wrote: jongdae kim and the case of the purloined poodle, for homages (Chen-centric, OT4, PG-13, 2646w)
Your local small town high school isn't exactly a hub of crime, but Jongdae and his friends get by.

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At this time, authors can feel free to respond to comments and crosspost their stories to their own journals. Posting crunched a lot of great fic into 11 short days, so I'm sure there's plenty of good stuff that you may not have gotten around to yet. After going to town in the comments here, please consider flipping back through the masterlist and catching up on the stories you missed. Cheers, and happy reading!

%reveals, %mod, #1, cycle: summer 2014

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