CHINGUX 2014: it's just a tango (but it's not easy) (1/1) for mixmonitor

Aug 30, 2014 00:05

Title: It’s Just a Tango (But It’s Not Easy)
Author: yeolie
Recipient: mixmonitor
Pairing/Focus: Chanyeol/Baekhyun
Rating: R
Warnings: dub-con (due to alcohol consumption)
Length: 1.6k
Summary: Baekhyun and Chanyeol broke up years ago, but when Baekhyun’s best friend marries Chanyeol’s sister, the two have a chance to reconnect.

Baekhyun stumbles against the urinal as he tries to get his stupid, fancy belt undone.

In retrospect, maybe that third glass of champagne hadn’t been good idea. But it’s not like there's a manual on what you do when your best friend marries your ex-boyfriend's sister.

Baekhyun needs all the help he can get and alcohol’s never let him down before.

The bathroom door bangs against the wall and Baekhyun jumps, his shirt catching in his zipper.

Kyungsoo and the man of the hour stagger in. Jongdae’s arm is draped across Kyungsoo’s shoulder and he looks a little tipsy himself. Jongdae’s face lights up when he sees Baekhyun.

As ex-college roommates and self-proclaimed ‘best buds for life’, Baekhyun’s definitely bummed that he couldn’t be Jongdae’s best man.

Not that Jongdae hadn’t asked him, but with his recent promotion to Junior Vice President, Baekhyun can’t afford to be away from the office for long periods of time. Especially since at 28, he’s the youngest junior VP the realty conglomerate has ever appointed.

As much as Baekhyun loves his career, it hasn’t left him much time to socialize. He’d barely even made it in time for the bachelor party, which would have been tragic. Jongdae’s bachelor party had been wild. Yura trusted him enough that she hadn’t limited him in any way.

Except, Baekhyun really could have gone his entire life without seeing Joonmyun jizz in his pants. The stripper had had a nice rack though, he’ll give him that.

Jongdae lets go of Kyungsoo and throws his arm around Baekhyun instead. "Dude, my grandma just told me she saw you sitting in your car in the parking lot, pounding a 40 before the ceremony.”

Kyungsoo narrows his eyes and cocks his head to the side. “I was wondering where you were."

Baekhyun shrugs and tries to get his shirt out of the zipper. "Your grandma is old, maybe her eyesight is getting worse."

It’s not his fault Jongdae and Yura opted out of an open bar.

Yura claimed that the four of them alone could drink more than the total cost of the rest of the wedding and that she wasn’t footing the bill for their drinking habits. And Baekhyun definitely needed something with a little more kick than champagne if he was going to get through this.

"I still have a couple 40s in my car if y’all want." Baekhyun offers when Jongdae takes a spot next to him at the only other urinal in the bathroom.

“Real classy, Baekhyun,” Chanyeol responds, a teasing lilt to his voice.

Baekhyun’s been so focused on getting his shirt free before he pisses himself that he didn’t even notice Chanyeol come in.

And Jesus Christ, he looks good. His hair is coiffed up just the way Baekhyun likes it, and the way his pants cling to his bowed legs has Baekhyun’s throat sticking together.

Kyungsoo snorts and shakes Jongdae’s shoulder. “He can’t get too drunk. He still has to get it up to seal the deal.”

Baekhyun gives up. He’s way too fucking drunk to be delicate about this and the end of the button up tears when he yanks it free from the zip. Thank god this is one of Baekbom’s shirts and not a rental. He sighs in relief as he finally starts emptying his bladder.

“I still can’t believe you bagged Yura. I thought you were, like, her long term pet.”

“She does pet my-” Jongdae starts, cocking his eyebrow and shaking his dick.

“Dude, not cool. That’s my sister!” Chanyeol complains, covering his face with his hands. He’s wearing the cufflinks Baekhyun gave him for graduation.

“Yeah, and my bride,” Jongdae leers, zipping his pants back up and moving out of Chanyeol’s way to wash his hands.

“Later,” Jongdae says when he’s done, not even bothering to dry his hands. He practically skips out of the bathroom when he’s finished, dragging Kyungsoo along with him.

Baekhyun sneaks a glance at Chanyeol’s dick and has to keep from moaning out loud. It’s just as big and beautiful as he remembers.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol met the summer before junior year. Baekhyun had been on his second internship, Chanyeol his first. He’d never hit it off with someone so quickly in his life. Even Jongdae had taken a while to get close to.

With Chanyeol, things were just easy.

It’s not even like they broke up on a bad note either. Chanyeol had med school and Baekhyun had a job offer across the country. Seemed better to just break it off than let their relationship crumble under the weight of distance.

“How’ve you been Baekhyun? We didn’t really get a chance to talk at the bachelor party.”

Chanyeol’s being nonchalant, but Baekhyun swears the way he slowly slides the ring of his fingers up his shaft and twists is deliberate. No one pees like that.

“Fine,” Baekhyun finally manages to squeak out, sweat starting to bead along his brow. He’s drunk enough that he doesn’t even realize he’s staring. He thought the alcohol would help, but all he can think about is hearing Chanyeol moan.

Baekhyun swallows thickly and decides to take a chance. “Want to come to my hotel?”

Trying to fuck his ex-boyfriend in the bathroom at his sister’s wedding reception might not be one of his finest moments, but fuck it.

“Chanyeol! Baekhyun!”

Baekhyun freezes and feels a burn creep up his neck and onto his face. He’s not too keen on chatting with Mrs. Park while on his way to fuck her son.

“Baekhyun, I’m so glad you came. Chanyeol still talks about you all the time, you know.”

Baekhyun glances at Chanyeol and he’s glad to see he’s not the only one blushing.

Chanyeol’s mom has always liked Baekhyun. She even called him her second son. Sometimes, Baekhyun thinks that the only person more upset when they broke up than them was her. She even used to knit them matching scarves.

“It’s great that Chanyeol decided to do his residency in the same city where you work. The hospital is beautiful, too. He’ll have to give you a tour sometime,” Chanyeol’s mother continues, her eyes sparkling.

“What?” Baekhyun’s jaw drops and his stomach flutters. Maybe this doesn’t have to be a one night stand.

“Mom, I think Aunt Ahreum is looking for you.” Chanyeol cuts in with a forced smile, refusing to look at Baekhyun, ears a dark red.

Chanyeol doesn’t wait for his mom to respond before he grabs Baekhyun by the elbow and starts dragging him towards the door. Chanyeol’s mom throws Baekhyun a wink when he turns over his shoulder to wave goodbye.

Chanyeol whistles as Baekhyun’s unlocks his hotel room. The place is a hell of a lot nicer than the dives they used to crash in when they went on road trips in college.

“This place is awesome.”

Baekhyun shrugs and toes off his shoes. “It doesn’t even have a mini-bar. Plus, I’m using the company card.”

“You’re paying for breakfast then.” Chanyeol teases him as he starts unbuttoning his shirt.

“So were you going to tell me? Or were you just hoping we’d never run into each other?” Baekhyun can’t help it, he has to know.

“I wanted to surprise you. I had all these fantasies about riding in and sweeping you back off your feet.” And that’s just like Chanyeol. He’s always been the stupid romantic.

Chanyeol sits back on his heels in disbelief. “You came to the wedding prepped?”

Baekhyun rises up onto his elbows and looks sheepish. There’s no way in hell he’s telling Chanyeol he fingered himself imagining Chanyeol fucking him before he left for the ceremony.

“Weddings are a prime hook-up zone.”

“Is that what this is? Just a hook-up?”

Baekhyun’s still riding the wave of alcohol and this is a conversation he needs to have sober. “I guess we’ll see in the morning, won’t we?”

Chanyeol’s rougher than Baekhyun remembers. His hands move over Baekhyun’s body with a hunger he didn’t used to have. Baekhyun wonders how many times he’s been laid in the past five years, if at all.
Desire pulses deep in Baekhyun’s stomach as Chanyeol rubs his dick along the crease of his ass. The smooth drag of latex is nowhere near as satisfying as the bare skin of Chanyeol’s cock, but it will have to do for now.

Baekhyun’s pretty sure they’re both clean, but better safe than sorry.

Chanyeol noses at his ear before sucking his earlobe into his mouth, and fuck, he still knows exactly which buttons to press. Chanyeol starts pushing in and Baekhyun fists his hands in the bed sheet, unconsciously pulling the fabric upwards. Chanyeol goes slowly and Baekhyun’s nerves spark where he can feel the drag of Chanyeol’s dick.

One of the sheet corners snaps up off the mattress and Chanyeol flinches in surprise, bottoming out too quickly.

Baekhyun’s dick jerks, breathing turning uneven, and he lets go of the sheet to grip Chanyeol’s shoulder.

He hasn’t had a cock anywhere near the size of Chanyeol’s since they’d broken up. The stretch is slightly painful, even with his drunken haze.

Chanyeol brackets Baekhyun’s head with his arms and rubs soothingly along the shell of his ear as he starts slowly swiveling his hips.

Chanyeol starts peppering his face with kisses and Baekhyun’s heart clenches with familiarity even as his muscles relax.

The feeling’s a lot like coming home.

ship: baekhyun/chanyeol, cycle: summer 2014

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