I feel blue-green today...

Mar 29, 2005 11:56

Aloha! I'll make this one kinda short and kinda sweet...

Spring break isnt eventful much but i guess so far but i suppose im satisfied. Saturday was my day though. Woke up at 8 and drove around town to practice driving one last time. At 10:45 went to kettering and started off my road test. Surprisingly i passed parking...with a van...yup. The driving part wasnt too bad. You know how the road test goes so no need to fill in details. So bottom line, i passed, i have a license, but i dont have a car. If anything i'll have to share the van with my mother and soon enough ill get a car of my own. Well, i cant complain. anyway, on with the break dealio

Sunday, Easter, hmm. Went to church at 11:00. Bad idea? yea. Ended up standing on the far right side of the church by the door. It started to heat up like crazy. Anyway, so we're all saying the our father and i suddenly feel like im burning up by the second. I figured i would just wait til after we're done and walk outside for some fresh air. Well in the middle of the prayer, things started to blur out and i suddenly got a pounding headache. I eventually lost all sight and everything was black. But i was still conscious some how. I could hear and i knew what i was doing. Heh, not for long. I then lost my hearing ability and yet i still kinda knew what i was doing. Apparently i told my dad i was dizzy and leaned on him since he was in front of me. And then i woke up outside. I was alive! ha. I guess my eyes were still open when i was somewhat unconscious but still had the ability to walk outside. My dad said my eyes were kinda rolled backish so you could see the whites of them. Pretty odd moment if you ask me. Really hope i didnt create a scene of any sort. So we left after communion and i was pretty much zoned out from there too. My dad was a bit scared so he ran into mcdonalds and got some cold water for me. And some chicken nuggets : ) On the car ride to some place i dont know of, i was completely zoned out. Yea my dad i guess didnt know and kept talking to me and referred to something he said earlier. I didnt recall it so he figured i was still in my 'i dont know whats going on' stage. Anyway, we some how made it to Golden Buffet around 1:30ish for a birthday party. I guess had some good moments there. William was a little 5 year old boy who kinda made it fun yet stressful with his hyperness. Kev was talked to by a random boy that was laying on the bench. 'Youre not a kid, youre a boy now!' ha, yup kev congrats, youre a boy. lol. Umm, and the gener girlies were as always, crazy. Stayed there for 2 hours, found out my dad forgot to grab some yum for the road and we went back. Then we finally went home. I sat around some and felt dizzy the rest of the day. Couldnt really see much still and i felt like i was going blind gradually but i survived. Dont know exactly what happened that day but it was quite odd indeed.

Finally yesterday i went to secretary of state to get my actual license...well temporary one...you know how it goes. Went around town, ate lunch with my mother, she got a haircut, and then we went to walmart. Not too eventful, but whatever. After that talked on the phone for hours, went online and went crazy, then i had to be stuck in my room studying for the ACT. So i got a few pages here and there, then i got bored. So i danced around and went bzurk. Umm, bout 10ish i decided to go back online. And again, i went crazy.

So thats my spring break so far. Hopefully theres more moments to come...enjoy the rest of yours...
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