Hes real, hes honest, he's loving me for me

Mar 20, 2005 15:23

My weekend = fun

Friday, bowl-a-fund. Didn't much bowl cause im not too fond of bowling. I guess i wanted to waste 5 bucks. Ehh, whatever. After that, went to lunch at pizza hut with james, lisa, and joe. Spent $7.40 not including tip. Not bad i guess. But now im short some moolah. I need a job. Uhh sat and talked and whatnot and had some random and interesting conversations. After lunch, joe and lisa went their separate ways and me and james headed off to his house for alittle bit. Basically just sat around, watched some movies, and chilled. I had to be home at 7 (damn the random curfew times) so james dropped me off and the rest of the night just relaxed.

Saturday, Brandon and Kavin's birthday party. Was decent, had quite some laughs with the hyper little ones. Of course i managed to get some pictures of the day. I looked at my pics when i got home and found that majority of them were of marra and kayla. But there are some other ones. Got home at 10:30ish even though the party went on til 2. The little ones were starting to lose energy anyways and marra was my ride home. So yea.

Today, Palm Sunday, long mass, my legs kinda got tired from standing...oh well, i'll live. Saw james and steph there, like i do all the time at 11:00 mass. On the way home, steph i guess took a couple pictures of me driving that green van home. Oh joy...youre crazy steph, you really are...lol. And because a fun song was on the radio, i kinda missed the turn home and ended up on my way to stephs house. Umm yea, dont ask how that happened. So that was that...By the way, happy first day of spring...:)

Now for the fun part of the entry, ill let kayla here take it away...

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, introducing...KAYLA!"


"Lemme see, lemme see!"


the girlies...

whos that cutie?!

marra and me...

How YOU doin?!

Took bout 5 minutes for the little one to blow the candle out but he was a beginner and it was cute cause they said he practiced for days...

Seemed as though that wasnt the only thing he was a beginner at...this pictures too cute for words...

me and liezl lauren

nikki and eileen

liezl giving marra a piggy back ride...lol

LOOK! Its james! haha...funny that ive seen him every day this week...

Nikki and Kavin

And they all ride away with a crazy guy on a horse...thats all for now! hope you enjoyed...

Again, sorry for not posting the actual picture on here, but photobucket doesnt like me, so i just gave you the link...ok well thats it for now...
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