right about now, funk soul brother...

May 01, 2005 20:39

Otay so i havent updated in quite some time now and nothing really has been going on. Its basically been the regular routine everyday of getting up, driving my mother to work, going to school, picking up my mother, and doing homework. If we must start from the begininng of the month, i'll try my best to remember a sort of events that occurred. Ready? Here we go.

Beginning of April was when i took my ACT. It was a long 5 hour test that was impossible to score high on. Just to my luck, i have to take it again in june. Last one, hopefully. I was basically locked up to study so many weeks before hand and did i do it? No. I did however, go to lisa's house to somewhat attempt to study but we both knew that that was just an excuse to play computer games and monkey around. Scores come in in about 4-7 weeks from the time i took it. Oh joy, cant wait to see those.

Basically every friday, or a good number of them, col and melissa (and occassionally james) would come over and join me in playing around and enjoying the start of the weekend. Saturday would be hang time with james, lisa, or even cousins which is quite fun since we always find something to do. I believe this month was the month me and lisa actually drove to the movie theaters, ALONE and AT NIGHT. Oh what fun. And all the other times we attempted, the plan crumbled and i dont think our luck has kicked in since. Oh well. Um, one friday at the end of the month, i drove over to lakes to watch the anne of green gables play. Bret practically killed me by popping up and pouncing on my window when i came in. Gee thanx bret! :-p Ha, me and mel had a blast. Lisa ended up coming late. Overall the play was pretty good. And it was raining on that day, which was kinda fun since rain is amazing.

And here we come to present day. Yesterday, skipped the christmas in action thing for the SPO since it was early in the morning and i was exhausted. Plus i had notecards to finish and a test to study for. Anyway, apparently that went well. Called up Lisa since i was supposed to stay the night for the deal on sunday morning. Called her up, decided to meet at a movie, called up james, and we all met at mjr to see the awesome Sahara movie at 7:00. After that, james and i went to cold stone while lisa and her brother rented movies. They were supposed to meet up with us but they kinda were in a rush and so james just drove me to meet them back at lakes. (Sorry james, kinda felt like you were like a chauffeur but thanx for the ride!) Anyway, went to lisa's, ate a snack, and relaxed with some movies. Watched mean girls and top gun and then got tired. So we stayed up late and woke up early to start today. 7:00 rise and shine to get ready for the march of dimes. 9:00 we arrive. Me and lisa donate our moolah and we meet up with bret and jenny and away we go. 8 miles, counting down. 1st mile didnt seem so bad until miles seemed like they were getting longer. I swear! they were cheating! lol. Every mile, collected some good drinks and snacks and some fun prizes. as well. I declare jenny the one to collect the most free stuff of all of us combined. : ) Otay so bout 3 hours later, we finally accomplished the whole 8 miles. Our legs hurt like no other and we all felt like relaxing. We sat down to gather some food, snacks, and drinks. Yummy indeed. And then we sat around some more and talked and me and jenny decided that the cool air slide thing looked fun so we went on it and just to our luck, it wasnt at slippy slidy as we thought it would be. But it was still quite fun. Returned to Lisa and Bret and we decided to go to Somerset to, yes, walk some more. Went to Somerset looked at the pretty and amusing things, and left. Bret and I were pretty easily amused by the 'dancing' water drop fountain thingy. And we looked around some more, bought nothing, walked more, and then went back to the car. And that ends the journey at Somerset. On the car ride home, i was bored and took random pictures of intersections, signs, and traffic lights. Alas, home i was. I slowly inched my way to the door and behold! i was inside! Went online, said hi to people that love me, and then got up toward my room. But wait, i had to make a random phone call. Who did i call? JAMES! Of course, but who else would i call? I had already spent the day with lisa, and everyone else i thought of i knew was busy. Was gonna go around to random places with him but my parents didnt let me out again. Sorry. Otay so he was at somerset too but i didnt see him. Oh well. Sweet geezuss, my legs hurt like no other and i was about to fall over and die. Got up the stairs and decided that a hot shower would do the trick. It didnt. So i went to my room and find that the bed looked really nice. 5:00, and im down. woke up at 7:15 ish and went downstairs to find that my aunt and uncle came to pay a visit. I go downstairs and talk online. And so we talked some, and talked more, and *gasp* talked more! I grew hungry and yet i couldnt go upstairs since madness was going on. Im still here, hungry and tired. My legs still pretty much hurt, i need a massage (speaking of, that awesome massager at discovery was amazing.) and im pretty much done for the day.

So i guess thats what you missed. Not that any of you care at all but im sure some of you would have the decency to read my incredibly fun life eh? So here ends the month of April. Happy May 1st i guess. And if you did read the whole thing, comment. And if you didnt, comment anyway. I love them and they make me smile. Yup. Until next time! Oh and by the way, i have a new background. It isnt that great but i thought it was fun at the time so i put it up there. It'll probably change shortly but as of now, its there in case you wanna see it. :)

I fare thee well, adieu.

meep meep!
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