Proposing You (5/)

Nov 21, 2012 21:26

Title: Proposing You (5/?)
Pairing: Yamachii and other pairings
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Reuniting.. Happy ending? No, it's just a start for another storm..

Part 5


Chinen opens his eyes slowly and yawns. The curtain is still closed. The room is still dark. After blinking for several times, he moves his hand, tries to feel Yamada’s presence beside him. But when he realizes he can just feels the softness of the bed, Chinen rises.

“Ryosuke?” He turns his head to the left and right, and finds nothing. Chinen jumps from the bed and opens the curtain. As the light enters the room, Chinen can see that the only one on that room is he. So where is Yamada? Last night when he fell asleep, Yamada was still beside him. Or it was just a dream?

Chinen shakes his head, refusing his own thought. The warmness he felt last night wasn’t just his imagination.

So he opens the door and walks out of the room. As he searches through the room, he sees nobody. But as Chinen is about to go the kitchen to get some waters, he spots a note being left in the table. He takes and read it.


Today Yamada and I have a job. We have to leave you alone this day. Gomen ne. If you want to have your breakfast, I have some eggs and breads in the refrigerator. You can cook it. Or if you want to get something else outside, don’t forget to bring the spare key and apartment’s identity card with you okay?

And by the way, use this cell phone during your trip here. Don’t worry, it still can be used. I’ve put my number. There’s Ryosuke’s too.

Ah, you got a message from Ryosuke too under this note.

Have a good day =D


Chinen flips the page, and finds Yamada’s handwriting there.


Gomen, I’ve to leave you today. I got a sudden call from the agency and have to leave the apartment this early. I’m really sorry.

But I’ll be back tonight. So don’t worry.

Love you. <3


P.S : be careful when you take a walk around. Don’t let any strangers touch or kiss you again!

Chinen giggles reading the note Yamada left for him. It shows him how much Yamada cares for him, how much Yamada treasures him and doesn’t want to make him worry, and on the top of it, it shows him that Yamada really loves him. He had to be hurry, but he still spared his time to write Chinen a note so that he won’t be confused.

Chinen looks at the phone beside the note. Looks like it’s the cell phone Yuma mentioned in the note. It’s not that different from the phone he usually used. So, he checks it, and finds Yuma and Yamada’s number inside.

Now what makes him worry is about what he will do today, since no one can accompany him if he wants to go somewhere. It’s not about the language. Chinen is a quick learner. Moreover, as long as he has dictionary, it’s not a big deal for him.

It’s just that he is afraid about the people’s reaction for what Yuma did yesterday. He’s known by the public as Yuma’s boyfriend. He just hopes that the public still can’t recognize his face. It’s still his second day in America, and he wants to go to many places too.

Chinen sighs. He is still trapped in confusion. So, he decides to enjoy his leisure time at the apartment. He turns the television on, and watches it. Who knows he’ll get some news about Yamada.

After a couple times, he finally finds what he wants to see. It’s a trailer for Yamada’s new film. Chinen holds the cushion tightly. He watches it while biting his lower lip. In that trailer he can see the kissing scene Yamada did. But when their lips almost touched each other, it went black and the title of the movie appeared.

Chinen turns his gaze to another corner, and puffs his cheeks. He has known it, but yet he feels down everytime he looks at the scene. All he can do is just reassuring himself that Yamada is his. No matter what scene he had done, it’d be just a scene, no more than it. It was him who let Yamada enters the entertainment world at the first place, and he has to keep his trust in Yamada till the end.

Chinen turns the television off. Maybe it was a wrong choice to watch the television right now. He walks to the glass window, and see the situation around the apartment. It attracts his attention, and he really wants to go out there, taking some pictures, and sees the people.

Maybe if he doesn’t walk too far, he’ll be okay.

Therefore, Chinen washes his face and changes his clothes. He wears his hat too. And when he sees inside his luggage, he finds a glasses. Finally he remembers that before he went, Kurida told him to bring any glasses. Although at that time he didn’t know the reason behind it, maybe now he understands it. So he wears the glasses, and takes his camera. He’s ready to take a walk.


Chinen is still walking along the path when suddenly the cell phone Yuma lent to him vibrating. When Chinen looks at the screen, it’s a call from Yuma.


“Chinen, it’s Yuma.”

“Yeah, there’s your name on the screen. Thanks for lending me the phone.”

“No problem. I call you to check whether you’ve read my message or not. And I want to ask for your help too.”

“Sure. Tell me.”

“I forgot to bring some important notes. I put it on the cabinet near the television. The cover is yellow and has a fish picture on it. Can you bring it to me?”


“I’ll send you the address. Come here between 6-7pm, okay? After you arrive, please call me.”


“Thank you so much, Chinen! Onegaishimasu.”

The call ends. Chinen looks at his watch. It is still 2pm. He has walked along the street near the apartment, and even took many pictures. There are some hours before he has to deliver the note to Yuma. So he decides to walk home so that he can rest for a while.

As his phone vibrates again, Chinen knows that it’s a message from Yuma, telling him where he has to deliver the note. He saves the messages right away and continues to walk.


It’s 6 pm, and Chinen has stood for about 15 minutes in front of the building Yuma mentioned before. He knows, maybe it’s a building consisted of many studios used for shooting. He got that thought because as he arrived there, he could see a crowd cheered when a limousine stopped in front of the building. He couldn’t see it clearly because it was too crowded, but he was sure that someone who stepped out from the limousine must be an idol. So he chose to text Yuma and waits for him there. Yuma has replied that he’d get there soon.

And Chinen doesn’t wait too long because Yuma has appeared now, and comes toward him. As Chinen expected before, some girls are going crazy seeing Yuma walks out of the building. He approaches Chinen and grabs his hand.

“Let’s walk away from here first.” He drags Chinen entering the building immediately. He shows his identity card to the security in the front, and says that he’s the one invited Chinen there. “I’m sorry I put you into this trouble, Chinen.” He says after they’ve been inside the building. Yuma is walking and Chinen follows him.

Chinen shakes his head. “No, it’s not a big deal.” Then he hands the note to Yuma. “This note, right?”

“Yeah!” He takes the note. “Thank you, Chinen.”

“No problem.” Chinen smiles. “Moreover, with this, I have the chance to see many artists here.”

Yuma grins and points himself. “Hey, here’s one of them. Standing right before your eyes.” And it makes Chinen laughs.

“Okay, okay. Before I return back to Japan, you have to give me your sign, Yuma-sama.” Chinen teases Yuma.

“Don’t worry. Not just the sign. I’ll give you my exclusive photobook. Including my naked picture. You must be happy.” Yuma winks. Chinen laughs and lands a weak punch to Yuma’s shoulder.

“I’m not a pervert.”

And they laugh together.

“Hey Yuma!” A person calls when they are still walking while laughing. Yuma and Chinen stop walking and turn their head to the source of the voice. It’s another actor, and also a friend of Yuma, Cody. “Having some fun with your boyfriend?” He asks in English.

Yuma laughs. Chinen, although is able to understand it, chooses not to say anything and just smiles. But then he feels Yuma’s arm around his body, wraps it closer to him.

“As you can see.” Yuma smirks.

“Maybe you have to count how many girls out there now having broken heart because of you.” Cody teases Yuma. Then he turns his gaze to Chinen. As he takes a closer look, a frown appeared on his face. Then he looks at Yuma again with questioning look. “BOYfriend?” He asks.

Yuma nods as he embraces Chinen more. “What?”

“Girlfriend, right?” Cody confirms. Yuma shakes his head coolly.


“You must be kidding me. I’m sure it’s ‘she’. It’s just ‘she’ has a short haircut.” Cody chuckled.

“It’s up to you to believe me or not.” Yuma smiles. “We have to go, so, bye!” He waves goodbye to Cody.

“Protect him properly or else he’ll be eaten by someone else because of his face, Yuma.” Cody smirks. Yuma smirks and gives a sharp glare to him.

“You don’t have to tell me that.” Then he kisses Chinen’s head. “Because he’s mine.”

Deep inside his heart, Chinen feels uncomfortable with this kind of situation. Not that he hates Yuma. He has promised to help Yuma, pretending become his boyfriend. But yet, he feels reluctant. He doesn’t want anyone besides Yamada to touch him intimately. If he was able to be honest, he didn’t really like the way Yuma kissed him in the public. Being kissed in front of the public isn’t the biggest deal for him. The only matter was the person who did it wasn’t Yamada. And now, he feels uncomfortable thinking about how Yamada will think about his fake relationship with Yuma. It’s just the start, and Chinen is afraid, he has to do something more with it.

“I’m sorry.” Yuma’s voice brings back his consciousness.

“Eh?” Chinen realizes he’s been dozing off, and he blinks, staring at Yuma.

“There are many playboys here, and I have to show our intimacy or else they’ll deceive you.”

Chinen looks at his surroundings, and he feels Yuma was right. He feels some eyes are staring at him. At this state, it’s the best to stay close to Yuma, and it means he has to shoo his personal thought away.

“It’s okay. Thanks for protecting me.” Chinen smiles. Yuma smiles back and he searches for something on his pocket.

“This.” He hands an envelope to Chinen. “Go to Studio 6 over there, and show this to the staff.” Yuma points at a big door 10 meters away from them. “It’s my gratitude.”

Chinen looks at the envelope, frowning. “What is it?”

Yuma winks. “You’ll know it later. I have to go now. I have another photo session. Take care!” He waves Chinen goodbye, then immediately walks away.

“Thank you!” Chinen shouts, and replies by Yuma’s thumb.

Chinen walks to the studio Yuma mentioned before. As he approaches there, a staff asks him to show the ticket, and Chinen gives her the envelope. The staff opens it, and immediately lets Chinen to enter the studio. There are many people inside the room, and the staff shows Chinen an empty seat. It’s not at the very front, but Chinen can see the stage clearly from his seat. He wonders, why Yuma asked him to go to this studio. He feels absolutely sure that it’s a show. But what show? Yuma didn’t mention anything about it. So, Chinen waits patiently there until someone appears in the stage and starts he show. Chinen can hardly understand what he’s saying because he speaks too fast for him. But vaguely, he hears he mentioned Yamada’s name.

And not too long after that, he can see a familiar figure appears. It’s his Yamada, entering the stage with full of confidence. He smiles and waves his hand to everyone in the studio. As Yamada does it, Chinen can hear the girls scream and shout Yamada’s name. No doubt, Yamada looked very handsome and cool up there. Chinen is about to show his smile when he sees someone else appears in the stage and walks to Yamada. She lands a kiss on Yamada’s cheek, and encircles her right arm in Yamada’s left arm. She’s Kyle Jacqueline.


for those who asked me this, here it is... =)
Comments are <3

chaptered fic: proposing you, rating: pg-13, pairing: yamachii, type: chaptered, media: fic

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