Proposing You (6/?)

Nov 29, 2012 22:45

Title: Proposing You (6/?)
Pairing: Yamachii and other pairings
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Hiding a relationship is hard, especially when the latter isn't only 'his' again. How much pains that he has to endure?
Notes: It's for Chii's birthdayyyyyyyy!!!! Uwaaa he's 19 nowwww!! XD And happy birthday too, mel-chan!!!! XDDD

Part 6

Chinen clenches his fist. The scene in front of him makes a straight jab to his heart. He stares at Yamada who’s smiling nonchalantly. He lets his arm linked with Kyle’s arm. And Kyle surely doesn’t want to let Yamada going further. As they walk to the prepared seat, she leans to Yamada, acts as if she is his girlfriend. Then, some of other actors come and sit beside them.

“Let’s have a short talk with our main leads. Looks like the rumour is true right. Look at both of you.” The host teases Yamada and Kyle after some introductions and opening sentences.

Now Chinen pays full attention and finally understands what the host said, and the jealousy starts to creep into his heart.

“It’s not like what you have thought.” Yamada smiles. But then Kyle holds his arm tighter.

“We are indeed close. But we haven’t had a relationship yet.” Kyle adds. The host laughs.

“You are hiding something from us right?” He teases them again.

“Actually no.” Kyle replies again. “But who knows what will happen in the future, right Ryo?”

Chinen’s eyes get widen. She calls Yamada as ‘Ryo’ as if she’s really close with him. And he can see Yamada just smiles again, chooses not to give any clear clarification.

“So, we’ll wait for the progress of you two! By the way, you did your first kissing scene in the movie. What’s your impression about it? Or maybe, a confession that you actually started to fall in love with each other after it?”

Chinen tries to calm himself. It’s out of his expectation.

“Ryo is a good kisser.” The answer from Kyle causes quite a commotion. “And we did just 2 practices before taking the real scene.”

This is the topic Chinen really doesn’t want to hear, and somehow he feels irritated with that girl. Seemed that she has a special feeling for Yamada.

“No, it’s because Kyle is a pro.” Yamada smiles. “It was me who felt nervous.”

“Hey, I’m a newcomer. And it was you who leaded me to do it so the scene can be taken beautifully.” Kyle protests.

And they continue praising each other, not realize that among the audience there’s a person restraining himself as hard as he can from being jealous.

“Watching a quarrel between lovers always this interesting.” The host nods, while sending a smirk to Yamada and Kyle.

“We’re not lovers.” Yamada immediately clarifies. And that one sentence can calm Chinen’s heart at a second.

“Haven’t become lovers yet. Look at how many fans out there want you to be a real couple.”

Chinen can’t understand why the host is being so pushy to make Yamada and Kyle a couple.

“Okay, we shall watch the next progress from them, right?” He laughs and asks for the audience’s agreement. “So, let’s move to another person.”

The host then does some short talks with the others too. “Now we have to move to the next part. It’s time for the games!” After a while, the new section begins, and the music starts. “On this section, each of you has to take a piece of paper inside this box.” He shows a black box. “Read the instruction, and do as what has written there. It’s just for fun, so don’t take it too serious, okay? But, you still have to finish the challenge!”

Chinen feels uneasy about the game. He has watched many games like this, and he can guess something will not be right.

At first, it’s just a normal game. Yamada has to use chopsticks to move beans in the bowl to another bowl in a minute. There are also normal challenge like singing , dancing, kind of monomane, and the other challenge games. But when it reaches the ending, the host shouts. “Now it’s time for special challenge game!”

Chinen stuns. Somehow he has a bad feeling.

“There are special challenges for each of you. The first to go is Yamada!” The host shouts and replied by enthusiasm of the audience.

When Chinen starts to think that it’s individual challenge, the host adds. “And he’ll go on the first special challenge with Kyle, as the main characters in the movie!” It may lead to a bad estimation Chinen has. But Chinen calms himself. It’s just a game, and what can be worse from a simple game? “Both of you have to move these thin papers from the red box in left corner to the white box in the right corner!”

The host points at the two boxes on the right and left corner while his other hand holds a thin card-sized paper. See? It’s a simple game, or at least it’s what Chinen want to think about right now. Nothing will be wrong from this game. But somehow he can’t feel calm no matter how many times he tried to calm his heart.

“By hands?? No, not that simple… Of course, it’s by mouth to mouth!” With that, the audience goes crazy, and Chinen holds his breath. The audience screams and shouts Yamada and Kyle’s names. “It’s easy right? Since you have had real kissing scene in the movie. But don’t worry, this time, you’ll used these papers.” The host smirks.

Chinen’s fist clenched tighter, and he bits his lips. The trailer appeared on the television has made his heart ached, but now he has to see it again, on a live show.

“Do you accept this challenge?” The host asks excitedly, makes Yamada has no other answer than nodding. “Let’s take your position!” He makes Kyle moves, standing near the red box, and Yamada near the white box. The host is explaining the game more after they took their positions. As soon as Kyle takes the paper, Yamada must run to the center of the stage until Kyle approaches him and then he has to take the paper from her by sucking the paper. “Ready??? Start!”

The game starts. Kyle takes a sheet of paper from total 15 papers, and sucks it so that it sticks to her mouth. She runs toward Yamada, and sticks the paper to Yamada’s mouth. Many fans inside are going insane. The ‘indirect kiss’ between Yamada and Kyle makes a nonstop scream. Again, and again, among the audience there’s a person getting his heart hurt. But rather than closing his eyes, Chinen chooses to watch it by his own eyes, making sure that it’s just as if Yamada kisses a paper. Seconds have passed, and Chinen is still staring with no expression at Yamada on the stage. One, two, three, and now nine sheets have been moved to the white box. This ‘indirect kiss’ will be the last one.

With sucking the paper covering his lips, Kyle moves closer to Yamada. Kyle leans closer to him. But something unexpected happens. As their face has become so close, the paper dropped before it reaches Yamada’s mouth. What happened next can be expected. Finally, what reaches Yamada’s lips and stuck there isn’t the paper, but Kyle’s bare lips. Yamada feels shock, but he can do nothing. He just pulls away from her and says sorry. As he nervously rolls his eyes, he is welcomed by the cheering sound from the audiences.

“That’s so unpredictable!!!” The host shouts in delight. “I didn’t expect that the last one would be a direct kiss from Yamada and Kyle! Both of you are so romantic, even it means that you failed the challenge!”

The next comments are not important for Chinen, for he has sneaked out of the studio immediately with tears formed on the corner of his eyes.


Chinen takes the wet cloth from his eyes. He compresses his eyes with a cold cloth so that his swollen eyes won’t be worse. He couldn’t stop his tears, even in the taxi when he went back to the apartment. It was his first time seeing Yamada kissed someone else right in front of his eyes. It was not Yamada’s fault. It was just an accident, or at least it was what he saw.

Straightening his back, Chinen looks at the clock hanging on the wall. It’s 1a.m, and he’s alone. Yuma has messaged him, telling that he won’t be home until tomorrow. And about Yamada, he doesn’t know. Chinen didn’t try to contact Yamada or just telling him that he held Yuma’s cellphone.

The more he remembers the scene, the more he feels that Yamada is going further and further. He should probably believe that what Yamada did was just appearing in a show to promote his new movie. But deep inside his heart, he realizes something. Now Yamada is not his only Yamada. He is everyone’s Yamada, as an idol. Chinen ever read some articles about interview with some actors’ partners about how hard a normal people building relationship with an idol. When he read it, he thought about it easily. But now when he has experienced it himself, he believes it’s not as easy as he imagined.

Many things are flowing in his head and therefore he can’t sleep at all although his eyes have been half opened. Rather than feeling the loneliness inside the room, Chinen decides to go to the kitchen to have a drink. Yuma told him that he can use everything in the kitchen, so he doesn’t have to restraint himself if he wants to make something. Chinen opens the cabinet and takes an instant chocolate. Who knows he’ll be sleepy after drinks it.

Sipping it in front of the television, he tries to be relaxed. He turns on the television and watches a music program. The hot chocolate makes him slowly feels drowsy and a little bit relax, and a while later, he has closed his eyes in the sofa.

As he starts dreaming, a feel of warm touch wakes him. Chinen opens his eyes slowly and he can see Yamada’s face.

“Ryosuke?” He murmurs. Yamada looks at him.

“Ah, sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb your sleep. I just want to bring you to your room. If you slept here, you’d catch a cold.” Yamada says, but keeps walking to Chinen’s room.

Chinen blinks, adjusting his eyes to the light. He finally realizes that Yamada is carrying him bridal style. He hasn’t changed his clothes yet. Maybe he’s just coming back from the studio. Chinen wants to say that Yamada can put him down now, but somehow he enjoys this time and warmness. So he just keeps silent until they reach his room. Yamada puts him down on his bed.

“Thank you.” Chinen says and straightens his back. “I thought you won’t be home.”

Yamada sits on the edge of his bed. “No, I will definitely come home. You are here after all.” He caresses Chinen’s cheek. Slowly, he leans in, aiming for Chinen’s lips. But as Yamada’s face has moved so close to his face, the scene in the show flashes, and as Chinen realizes, he has covered Yamada’s lips with his hand.

Shock with what he’s done, he looks at Yamada and Yamada has stared at him with serious look.

“So-sorry.” Chinen apologizes nervously. What if Yamada became angry? He rolls his eyes to avert Yamada’s gaze.

“Is it because the accidental kiss in the show? You think that if you kiss me you can feel the sense of Kyle’s lips here?”

Chinen quickly turns his gaze at Yamada with curiosity. Yamada is still staring sharply at him.

“You know that I was there?”

Yamada sighs. “How could I not to notice you?” Chinen’s eyes opened wide. Among many audiences there, Yamada still could notice his presence. His heart is getting warmer and Chinen can feel the warmness starts spreading on his cheeks too. “Until that stupid challenge began, I still spotted you. But after it ended, I didn’t see you there again.” Chinen looks down and bites his lips.

“And do you also think I don’t know that you cried? Look at your eyes.”

Chinen feels Yamada’s hand on his cheek again. By no time, Yamada’s breath can be felt on his lips, and finally he can feel Yamada’s lips on his lips. Chinen doesn’t close his eyes. Warm liquid rolls down to his cheeks.

Yamada notices that Chinen is crying, but he’s not pulling away from him. He uses his thumbs to wipe the tears. After some seconds later, he finally releases Chinen’s lips.

“It’s all yours.” Yamada says in a gentle voice. “From the start, it’s all yours. No matter what I have to do in the future, I’m yours.” He places his lips on Chinen’s forehead, and then hugs him tightly.

Chinen can’t say anything again. Slowly he closes his eyes, and falls into a deep slumber on Yamada’s embrace.

It’s the second days, and it’s still a start.

Comments = <3

chaptered fic: proposing you, rating: pg-13, pairing: yamachii, media: fic

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