Bake sale success

Sep 05, 2007 08:18

The Great American Bake Sale officially ended on 31 August and I certainly had a great novice experience baking and cooking to raise funds to fight childhood hunger. For such a small scale operation where I only baked for 2 Sunday afternoons and one weeknight and only limited orders to close friends and colleagues on my project and Christine's project, I must say that raising $400 through my bake sale certainly is quite an achievement. Amongst the things I sold were pandan chiffon cakes, orange/lemon chiffon cakes, peanut cookies, and matcha souffle cheesecakes. I even cooked nasi lemak, satay, and curry puffs for a friend who was trying to stay off sweets. (Crap - I didn't take any photos of the spread!!)

Here's the link to my bake sale page. Anyone who wants to donate to it still can do so.

Will I do it again next year? Hmmm....if I'm still around town. I'll probably make it bigger and better as well by expanding the menu and reaching out to more donors / buyers.

Thanks to all of you out there who supported my bake sales!! Was really encouraged by your enthusiasm and your faith in my baking and cooking!! :D


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