Staff retreat day for work was on Friday which I actually really enjoyed. I expected the talk in the morning to be a chance to catch up on some sleep, as they'd organised for a Jesuit priest to talk to us about the portrayal of Jesus/God in films. But it was actually really interesting... he was very funny and a great speaker. I'm still unsure what
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Those V.C. Andrews books are kind of scary. I used to collect them back in my early teen years (I was a strange STRANGE child *cough*). Practically every series she ever wrote was basically the same plot (evil mother betrays family etc, wicked stern grandmother, massive old house, brother/sister incest issues, possible rape scene). I think she recycled them. Seriously. The only difference was the character names.
I always used to think that the titles of her books were pretty nifty though (ie all the Flowers series involving flower titles, the Dawn series involving times of day, the Heaven series involvine...uh...heaven-ish names).
Ooh and speaking of books. I didn't mind that Alphabet Sisters book I was reading the other day so will totally pass it and the other one along to you when next we meet :)
I know what you mean about the titles though, they're all linked/similar in some way.
Cool :) I've got a few books I could pass on to you too, including the Melanie La'Brooy ones. Also some Jane Green if you're interested. BTW how did you end up liking The Time Traveler's Wife?
I wasn't sure what to expect of The Time Traveler's Wife when I started reading it, but really enjoyed it. It was very different from anything I'd ever read (and probably read since then) and that was sort of part of the reason I liked it. Hopefully they do a good job with the movie! I think it'll be hard to do.
I know what you mean though. Whenever I read a book first I get ideas in my head of how things would look and how people would look and then the movies never meet my expectations.
I'm really looking forward to Sydney! Am just going to check my emails to see if anyone else has replied. Would you mind if it was just the two of us? I think we should buy the plane tickets and accomm soon, just to be safe. I haven't heard back from Jess yet so I might msg her. Sam can't go, San can't go and Diana is already going to Sydney later on in the year so I doubt she'd want to go twice lol
Do you have anyone else in mind that we could ask? Or just the two of us? lol
Ebay and livejournal are my only distractions right now!
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