I never liked you even when I tried to.

Aug 17, 2008 18:22

Staff retreat day for work was on Friday which I actually really enjoyed. I expected the talk in the morning to be a chance to catch up on some sleep, as they'd organised for a Jesuit priest to talk to us about the portrayal of Jesus/God in films. But it was actually really interesting... he was very funny and a great speaker. I'm still unsure what I believe in, but he did make a lot of interesting points.
After lunch we had a couple of hours where we could go for coffee or to the zoo, so Natalie and I decided we'd have the best of both worlds. We went to the zoo with Alan and Rachel. It wasn't enough time to see everything but we ended up seeing everything we really wanted to. And then after collecting our certificates we went shopping! We ended up walking along Rathdown and then Lygon, shopping and had coffee and cake at Brunetti's and then walked into the city for dinner. It was really nice having someone to hang out with outside of work, so hopefully we do it again.

Saturday I had a catch up with Sam and Steph which was lovely. We met up in the city and had a long lunch in Federation Square and then did a bit shopping.

It was nice to have a couple of days relaxing like that, since I had a pretty bad week at work, especially Tuesday. In front of my colleagues my boss decided that she'd go through my desk (I do admit it was a little messy) and ask me what every single thing was there for. She told me that I was unorganised and then because I was being defensive (how else did she expect me to act when she was embarrassing me like that and talking in her usual smart ass tone?) that I had a bad attitude. She went through the stuff on one side of the computer and then said 'I won't go through that side coz it'll just embarress you. It really upset me, I had to go and shelf books afterwards because I was pretty much in tears....it took a lot of self control to not cry.

I've also been continuing with my 60 book challenge so here are some new reviews that I've written.

Title: Paper Alice
Author: Charlotte Calder
Blurb: Alice thinks she’s got it pretty good. Other than her first year at uni being a bit stressful, her boyfriend Dunc being a bit difficult, and her best friend Mily being a bit impulsive, she can’t complain.
But when an unfamiliar picture of herself appears in the paper, everything starts to change. Soon Alice is under a spotlight mistaken for the strangely named Wilda. Every time she tries to set the record straight, she gets sidetracked - especially when the charming and funny Andy is around. Just who and where is the mysterious Wilda? But, more importantly, if she does find her doppelganger, will Alice learn more than she is willing to know?
Thoughts: It was kind of odd but refreshing after reading a whole heap of American and English books to read an Australian book. You notice the differences in the language and what happens and it was just nice for a change to have that familiarity in a book. I loved the idea of Alice finding her 'twin' and it was interesting to find out the truth in the end.
Rating: 6/10
60 Book Challenge: Book 35/60

Title: Petals on the Wind
Author: Virginia Andrews
Blurb: After the attic. The children now growing to adulthood had escaped from their confinement in the dark attic to the sunlit world outside. But they found that the horror and pain of their captivity would not leave them. The memory of it would not allow them to lead ordinary lives. Was it their fault? Was there something strange about them? Only their mother could help them. Only revenge would satisfy them…
Thoughts: This is the second in the ‘Flowers in the Attic’ series and it’s a series that so far has made me so angry and so sad at the same time, for what the characters have been through. Andrews sure does like to write about the crazy things that money can make people do, like lock their children away in an attic for over 3 years before they finally escape. It’s not a bad series, but then it’s not great either. One thing I couldn’t stand was how the main character, Cathy went on and on about her looks and how she could get any man she wanted, but what made her real was her obsession for getting revenge over what her mother did to her and her brothers and sister. I don’t know if I’ll read the third and forth books in the series…..
Rating: 5/10
60 Book Challenge: Book 36/60

Title: Shakespeare's Secret
Author: Elise Broach
Blurb: With a Shakespearean name like Hero, moving towns is never easy. At least this time there’s the search for the missing Murphy diamond - rumoured to be somewhere in her new house - to take her mind off things. But that’s not the only mystery. How come old Mrs Roth knows so much about it? And why is Danny, the most popular kid in school, so eager to help?
Unless Hero and Danny can find the diamond, a centuries-old mystery will be lot for ever - and with it a modern-day secret that could change all their lives
Thoughts: This is definitely a book for younger readers, but I still enjoyed reading it. It was quick and simple but entertaining at the same time, with an interesting idea thrown into it, that Shakespeare (from Stratford) wasn't actually the writer of the famous plays, but was only a cover for a courtier called Edward de Vere, who was linked with Elizabeth I, Anne Boleyn and the missing diamond! I loved the twist thrown in at the end, of how a couple of  characters were linked in a surprising way.
Rating: 6/10
60 Book Challenge: Book 37/60

Title: Willows for Weeping
Author: Felicity Pulman
Blurb: ‘Death follows you…’ An old woman’s prediction haunts Janna as she keeps company with a group of pilgrims on the road to Ambresberie. Along their journey, Janna discovers a dead man with a letter bearing the seal of Henry, Biship of Winchestre, now an avowed supporter of Empress Matilda. The leader of the pilgrims swears Janna to secrecy and undertakes to deliver the letter to Oxenford, where the empress is gathering her supporters in a new bid for the crown.
A dashing newcomer joins their party. Ralph offers his help in finding Janna’s father, but can she trust him with the truth: that she now holds evidence of treachery against the empress?
At stake is Janna’s happiness and the success of her quest, while a man’s life hangs in the balance as Janna is forced to choose between loyalty to the empress and what she most desires.
Thoughts: This is the forth book in the 'Janna Series' and I enjoyed it as much as the others. It's been interesting to read about that period, and what life was like back then, including the feud between Empress Matilda and King Stephen. The book ended with a cliffhanger so it seems another book is on the way. I'm looking forward to reading that one too!
Rating: 7/10
60 Book Challenge: Book 38/60

Title: Eclipse
Author: Stephanie Meyer
Blurb: As Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob - knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation approaching, Bella has one more decision to make: life or death. But which is which?
Thoughts: I love this series and I can see why it's been so popular! This one is just as good as the others, maybe even better than the second book 'New Moon'. This is probably one of the best teen series I've read, along with Harry Potter. I can't wait to read the next book 'Breaking Dawn'.
Rating: 9/10
60 Book Challenge: Book 39/60

Here's the full list. I'm still deciding what I'm going to read next but I think it will be 'The Secrets of the Black Canons' by Iris Collier.

recommendations, reviews, friends, boss, 60 book challenge, staff retreat day, work

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