Staff retreat day for work was on Friday which I actually really enjoyed. I expected the talk in the morning to be a chance to catch up on some sleep, as they'd organised for a Jesuit priest to talk to us about the portrayal of Jesus/God in films. But it was actually really interesting... he was very funny and a great speaker. I'm still unsure what
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Yay! That sounds like a fantastic plan! I'd love to give the Melanie La'Brooy a try, ditto the Jane Green and anything else you recommend. Perhaps this could become a regular thing. Like an exchange of hostages, only involving books and...considerably less torture/scariness than hostage exchanges usually entails *giggles*.
I really enjoyed The Time Traveler's Wife. Much more so than I'd expected to, to be honest. I think sometimes there's a bit of an expectation with books that explode onto the scene as "the next big thing" and a "must read" and a lot of the time I'm disappointed because they don't live up to the hype (doesn't mean they're not good, just that...yeah...). But I really liked it :)
I wasn't sure what to expect of The Time Traveler's Wife when I started reading it, but really enjoyed it. It was very different from anything I'd ever read (and probably read since then) and that was sort of part of the reason I liked it. Hopefully they do a good job with the movie! I think it'll be hard to do.
I wasn't sure what to expect either but it was so well-written. I'm a little scared by the idea of a movie based on the book. I think if it's done well it'll be amazing but I sense that the potentially for crap interpretations and...general Hollywood blech is there :( Fingers crossed they do a good job. When it eventually comes out we'll all have to go see it.
Speaking of regular things we should do...I just had an idea. Maybe it's a terrible one. Maybe it's not. You be the judge.
I was thinking maybe we should make a point of going to see movies made from books we've read/loved. Like make it a group thing, if only so we've got shoulders to cry on when the movies turn out to be terrible and our beloved characters are mangled beyond belief by Hollywood A-listers. What do you think? I don't know anything that's coming out that's based on anything I've read but I just figured for the future we could keep an eye out and when things like The Time Traveler's Wife are released we could go. Or if anyone sees that there's a movie being adapated from a book we could give the book a try before the movie comes out.
It's just an idea. And I have strange ideas sometimes :P
Scary in charge guy has been at his desk all day. This makes me WANT TO DIIIIE. No, really, it does.
I know what you mean though. Whenever I read a book first I get ideas in my head of how things would look and how people would look and then the movies never meet my expectations.
(But really? This was all part of a devious plot to lure you into the wicked trap of *gasp* *horror* meeting up more often. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *continues evil laughter on for ten more minutes*).
I'm exactly the same! And it's always such a letdown. I'm actually terrified of the Clan of the Cave Bear movie. You know the Jean Auel book? I want to see it but I've heard it's so far beyond awful that it'll put me off the books for life and...I loved that book so much.
Ooh speaking of books I love. I was randomly trolling through the Virgin store at Southern Cross last night (missed a train, stupidly long wait till the next one, you know how it is!) and I saw that they've released a copy of one of my all time favourite books -- Ferney by James Long -- with a gorgeous new cover. Was so tempted even though I already own two copies of it with the old cover. Couldn't quite justify paying $20+ just for a cover though but it reminded me of you in a "OMG MUST TELL CLAIRE TO READ THIS BOOK!!!!" sort of way. So. Yes. You need to read Ferney. By James Long :D
I'm really looking forward to Sydney! Am just going to check my emails to see if anyone else has replied. Would you mind if it was just the two of us? I think we should buy the plane tickets and accomm soon, just to be safe. I haven't heard back from Jess yet so I might msg her. Sam can't go, San can't go and Diana is already going to Sydney later on in the year so I doubt she'd want to go twice lol
Do you have anyone else in mind that we could ask? Or just the two of us? lol
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