May 22, 2011 21:22
Yup. It's that time again, this months lists of lists...
MAY 2011
Marvel - Ultimate Spider-Man #158
Marvel - X-23 #10
Marvel - Daken #9 (X-23 Crossover!!)
Marvel - Kick-Ass 2: #3
Zenescope - Charmed #9
- Total: Issues: 5 / Trades: 0
JUNE 2011
Marvel - Ultimate Spider-Man #159
Marvel - Ultimate Spider-Man #160
Marvel - X-23 #11
Image - Morning Glories #10
Image - Samurai's Blood #1 (Going to give this a try)
Zenescope - Charmed #10
Marvel - TPB: X-Force: Sex & Violence VOL1
- Total: Issues: 6 / Trades: 1
JULY 2011
Marvel - Ultimate Fall-Out #1 (Maybe. Depends on Previews)
Marvel - Ultimate Fall-Out #2 (Maybe. Depends on Previews)
Marvel - Ultimate Fall-Out #3 (Maybe. Depends on Previews)
Marvel - X-23 #12
Marvel - Kick-Ass 2: #4
Image - Morning Glories #11
Image - Samurai's Blood #2 (Depends on Issue #1)
Zenescope - Charmed #11
DatkHorse - TPB: Usagi Yojimbo VOL25
- Total: Issues: 8 / Trades: 1
Marvel - Fear Itself: Home Front #5 (X-23 Guest Stars. So Depends on Previews)
Marvel - Ultimate Fall-Out #4 (Maybe. Depends on Previews)
Marvel - Ultimate Fall-Out #5 (Maybe. Depends on Previews)
Marvel - Ultimate Fall-Out #6 (Maybe. Depends on Previews)
Marvel - X-23 #13
DarkHorse: Angel & Faith #1 (Going to try this out)
IDW - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (Because I'm a fan. Depends on Previews)
Image - Morning Glories Yearbook #0
Image - Samurai's Blood #3 (Depends on Issue #2)
Zenescope - Charmed #12
Image - TPB: Morning Glories VOL2
Razorbill - TBP: Vampire Academy VOL1
- Total: Issues: 10 / Trades: 2
Well, Two trades this month. And I gotta say, I am SOOOO looking foward to the VA trade! On the other side of comics, I'm not so happy. There is only ONE Marvel book that I want these days, and that's X-23. I can't believe how crappy the X-line is now. And this is from somebody who used to pick up most of the X-books each month. I am also missing Runaways. I wish Marvel would bring that back...