An Update. WooHoo.

May 19, 2011 19:38

Okay, yeah. I think I just give up with LJ. I keep saying I’ll post more and I never seem to, lol. I REALLY do not know where the time goes from month to month. I guess I’ll just post here when I remember… Like I said, I blame Facebook.

So, my news?

Well, my novel break is now over. I’ve finished chapter three, and am working on chapters 1-3 edits. I want to get this done so I can show a few people and see what they think of it so far. At the moment I’m also planning out chapters 4 and 5 in more detail. When all that’s done (hopefully by the weekend) I will make a start on chapter 4.

My Sims3 obsession is over - for now, lol. I’ve taken a break from the game. As I do. I get addicted to it for like 3 or 4 weeks, and then I don’t play it for a while. I’m sure the need for the game will come back in a few months, lol. Plus, me taking a break, I can focus more on my novel, lol.

Hm. That’s about it. Not much news to report. I’ll post this months Solicits soon.
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