The True Enemy [2/4]

Apr 25, 2011 18:35

Title: The True Enemy [2/4]
Author: myself and mrs_saint_jimmy who RP this with me.
Rating:  M
Pairing:  Billie/Mike
Summary: after 67 years together, Billie and Mike meet a new vampire group on the run from a powerful vampire hunter, who has now taken an interest in hunting Billie Joe and Mike...
Warnings:  yaoi, swearing, violence, and blood. Lots of blood…
Disclaimer: this did not happen and thus I do not own anything!
Part of: True-Verse (All prequels/sequels and earlier parts found here)

Mike shook Billie awake the next evening, “Come on, I’ll give you a reward if you wake up.”

Billie smirked as a knock on the door downstairs interrupted Mike’s tempting cooing, “Rewards can wait.”

Mike sighed. “If that butt of yours isn’t out of back by the time I get back, it won’t be seeing any action for a long time.” He planted a soft kiss on Billie’s forehead before going downstairs and opening the door. No sooner than the door had been opened, had four vampires rushed in. Mike closed the door with a sigh, “Hello again. Who exactly invited you inside?”

“The vampire hunter who has been hunting us all night.” Ray told him.

Mike sneered, “I’m sure Gerard doesn’t need to fear a vampire hunter.”

Gerard pulled on his hair with a panicked expression, “Look, I may be powerful but he’s got all kinds of occult shit going on. He’s the one they’re all talking about, the one that has vowed to destroy all vampires!”

“And you seriously believe that?”

Frank glared, “What part of ‘chased all night’ didn’t you understand?”

“Well if Frank Edwin Wright III is really coming after you, get the hell out.” Mike sighed. “I don’t want him coming here.”

“Frank Edwin Wright III?” Billie walked down the stairs to Mike. “You mean Tré?”

Mike raised an eyebrow, “What? You know him?!”

“I used to know him; we trained together when I was a kid. We were good friends. He’s still alive?”

Mikey turned to face Billie, “Well he got hold of some powerful sorcery, old occult stuff, which helped him find the key to immortality. And now he’s a psychopath hell bent on wiping out all vampires. He’s already killed almost every vampire in the United States, which is why we left Jersey.”

“I’ve been reading up on the dark arts, black magic and that but we’ve decided it’s too dangerous to face him.” Gerard explained.

Mikey sighed, “It’s fight or flight, and we chose flight. We recommend you do the same. Gerard is one of the most powerful vampires around and can’t even touch him.”

Billie nodded, “He was always an amazing fighter, I don’t think I ever beat him once. And back then he was human.”

Gerard sighed, “Well we thought we should warn you. Lets go guys.”

Ray and Mikey nodded a goodbye and followed Gerard out, dragging Frank. “Bye! Catch up with us later Billie!” Frank called after Billie.

Mike shut the door. “Pack your bags Billie we have to- oh God... I can feel him getting closer. He’s far too fast to be human.”

Billie nodded, “I sense him too. He’s too fast, we can’t outrun him. He’s coming from the East, you go South and I’ll lead him West.”

“No! I am not leaving you here to die Billie Joe, I love you too much.”

“Mike, please go... I can’t watch you die and I can hold him off enough to save you.”


Billie ran as fast as he could away from Mike, praying desperately that Mike didn’t follow him. However his prayers were left unanswered as Mike followed him out of sight. He wasn’t going to live the rest of his immortal life knowing Billie had died to save him. Together there was a tiny chance they could get away if Tré suffered a fatal heart attack.

Billie ran up the mountain and stopped at a clearing to gather his strength, sensing the vampire hunter close behind him.

“Not putting up much of a fight are you vampire scum?!” Tré sneered behind him.

Billie turned around to face Tré, looking at him straight in the eyes,  “That isn’t a nice thing to say to an old friend.”

Tré stared in shock, “Billie Joe?! Why are you a vampire?! You hated them more than anyone! You traitor!”

“I’ll be honest, I didn’t have much choice in the matter. However I’m glad it happened.”

“I’ll kill you and the vampire who did this to you! I’ll avenge you my friend, you cannot live like this.” Tré grinned manically.

“Well you won’t have to go very far.” Mike walked out from the trees. “I’m the person who turned Billie Joe and I won’t let you hurt him. It turns out I have a love for the blood of vampire hunters and I will take great pleasure in killing you.”

Billie smirked, “Even though I’m annoyed you didn’t run like I said, I know we can do this Mike. This will be fun Tré.”

Tré’s grin widened. “Yes Billie, it’ll be fun for me.” He suddenly moved at a speed to fast to see and slammed Mike into the side of the mountain, as the air filled with the sick sound on his spine snapping. He quickly pulled out a stake and held it over Mike’s heart. “Burn in hell, vampire.”

As Tré moved to provide the fatal blow, Mike disappeared in a blur of movement. “What?!” He looked to see Mike being carried away by Ray.

Not wanting to lose another victim, Tré lunged for Billie who began to attack Tré simultaneously. Just before their attacks connected with their targets, Billie disappeared in another blur. “Come on Cutie.” Gerard smirked with Billie in his arms as he ran.

Taking advantage of Tré’s confusion, Frank and Ray quickly attacked from behind and snapped his neck. “Hurry Frank, he’ll heal quickly. Lets catch up with the others.” They ran as fast as they could to their hideout on the other side of the mountain.


We’re half way through this now!

I love Frank in this XD And Tré is so awesomely psychotic.

Review for a fast update!

pairing: billie/mike, rating: m

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