The True Enemy [3/4]

Apr 27, 2011 19:04

Title: The True Enemy [3/4]
Author: myself and mrs_saint_jimmy who RP this with me.
Rating:  M
Pairing:  Billie/Mike
Summary: after 67 years together, Billie and Mike meet a new vampire group on the run from a powerful vampire hunter, who has now taken an interest in hunting Billie Joe and Mike...
Warnings:  yaoi, swearing, violence, and blood. Lots of blood…
Disclaimer: this did not happen and thus I do not own anything!
Part of: True-Verse (All prequels/sequels and earlier parts found here)

“They gonna be ok?” Frank asked as he and Ray arrived at their hideout.

Gerard smirked, “This cutie here is. The other has a broken spine, so he should be ok in a few hours.”

“Hey! Don’t call me cute! And put me down!” Billie snarled.

“Aw, would you rather I call you Kitten?”

Billie pushed himself out of Gerard’s arms and sat next to the wall where Mike was lying. “Frank, Ray, can you go get some humans before we all die?” Mikey asked.

“Sure thing, see you later!” Frank said happily. Ray simply nodded before leaving with Frank.

Gerard sighed, “It won’t matter if we starve to death. By going back for you two we’ve all signed our own death certificates. We can’t go far with Mike unconscious and paralysed so there’s no use running while our hunter heals himself. We’re all going end up with the mother of all splinters in our chests and it’s all thanks to you two.”

“Give it a rest Mr Sunshine. When Frank suggested helping them you didn’t argue. If anything it makes our consciences slightly cleaner before death even if we are just delaying the inevitable.” Mikey retorted.

Billie ignored the vampire brothers and looked down at his beaten up partner. He let his thoughts wander before asking, “How old are you all?”

Gerard stopped bickering with Mikey to answer, “I’m 823. I turned Mikey and our parents. Mama never forgave me so we don’t see them often. Frankie is 801, he used to be a cute little farm boy before I stole his heart. And Ray is 548, an ex-Soldier who nearly killed Mikey when they first met.”

Billie sighed, “I’m 95.” It was a fact that age mattered when you were a vampire. The older you are, the stronger you are. Billie realised the only reason he had survived this long was because of Mike and skills he had as a human.

“Aw how cute. The best thing is your body is older than ours too.” Gerard grinned almost wickedly. “I was 25 when I turned, Mikey was 22.”

Billie hugged his knees. He was 28 when he was turned by Mike and he had never thought of himself as old. Now he was old in the wrong way and young in the wrong way too. It would be a miracle to survive much longer like this.

“Guess who’s home?” A voice echoed through the cave as Billie tensed. Frank walked into the light a little and made them all relax. “Me, Ray and four unconscious humans. We figured that Billie and Mike need one each since Billie’s young and Mike’s almost dead. So I’ll share with Ray and you Way’s can fight over this one.” He threw a girl at Gerard and Mikey’s feet while Ray placed two men near Billie and Mike.

Gerard grabbed the unconscious girl quickly and extended his fangs while Mikey growled in annoyance. “You always get the first bite!”

“Why change things now?”

“You’re a jerk Gerard!”

“Deal with it.” Gerard bit into the man’s neck and drank. Mikey soon stopped pouting and bit the other side.

They ate in relative silence, waiting for Mike to wake up so he could eat too. Once finished, they realised their situation. It was unlikely they could get all the way down the mountain to escape; they had been lucky that four humans had decided to hike the mountain that day and gotten lost through the night. They could stand and try to fight, or run and eventually be caught.

Mikey spoke slowly, processing his words carefully. “I think we should fight. We can’t outrun him and if I’m gonna die I’m doing it on my own terms.”

Frank nodded, unusually serious. “I agree, if we all attacked him at once then there’s a small chance we could kill him.”

Ray looked at Gerard, “You’ve studied the dark arts that Wright has utilised. Surely you know how to destroy his powers.”

“Yes, but I won’t do it. It may not work and if it does I’ll just make him angry. I’m going to try and run.”

Billie stood up angrily, “You’re the only one who stands a chance at stopping him, if you don’t we’ll all die for no reason. Please, I’ll do anything for you to do this!”

A grin spread across Gerard’s face. “Anything?”

“You name it.” Billie was determined to do something right for Mike, even if it meant giving up his own blood or being a sacrifice or anything.

“I want your body for one night.”

Billie froze. He had never slept with someone other than Mike in his years as both a vampire and a human. He could never do something like that. “No deal. I won’t betray the only person I love just so I can live, and even if you manage to do what you say there isn’t a guarantee we could win.”

Frank didn’t know what to feel. Betrayed for Gerard wanting a night with Billie, or disappointment for Billie not accepting? Gerard had always enjoyed multiple partners and Frank usually didn’t mind. Most of the time, Frank would be the one to suggest it or to join in with them. But for some reason Frank sensed something between Gerard and Billie. Not love or hate, just a small fragile bond that almost scared him. He knew Gerard loved him, and Gerard would never leave him so why was he afraid? Frank sighed and tried to focus on the matter at hand. With any luck they would all die so he wouldn’t have to be scared of this. Or they would all live and he could worry later.

“What if we all attacked? With the element of surprise... there’s a chance.” Mikey suggested.

Frank nodded, pushing thoughts to the back of his mind. “We’ll do it. Let’s just wait for Mikey to wake up and feed in case he’s coming with us.”

They waited until Mike opened his eyes a short time later. Billie smiled down at him and passed him the man to feed from. He told Mike what they had decided, leaving out Gerard’s deal.

Mike nodded once he was finished eating. “Then we have no choice. We leave as soon as we can and attack from all sides.”

Gerard smirked, “I’ll just sit and watch you all kill yourselves. He’s close by so you should all get going.” He picked up a back pack, ignoring Frank’s worried looks.

Billie sighed, “Let’s go.”

In a blur, they ran into the woods to face death.


One more part to go!

And once again, I just want to cuddle Frankie XD and Mike... he gets hurt a lot in this story and I feel very guilty.

Review please!

pairing: billie/mike, rating: m

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