The True Enemy [1/4]

Feb 10, 2011 18:23

Title: The True Enemy [1/4]
Author: myself and mrs_saint_jimmy who RP this with me.
Rating:  M
Pairing:  Billie/Mike
Summary: after 67 years together, Billie and Mike meet a new vampire group on the run from a powerful vampire hunter, who has now taken an interest in hunting Billie Joe and Mike...
Warnings:  yaoi, swearing, violence, and blood. Lots of blood…
Disclaimer: this did not happen and thus I do not own anything!
Part of: True-Verse (All prequels/sequels found here)

Sixty-seven years had passed since Billie Joe Armstrong was killed and made a vampire. He had embraced his new life, both as a vampire and as a lover to Mike. They travelled the world together and each day the love they shared only grew stronger. The people they met in their travels were often jealous of the relationship they had which made Billie smile every time. He always felt lucky waking up each evening next to Mike. He cuddled up to Mike a lot more lately since they had been in the Czech Republic, where Mike lived as a human, for two months and Billie was constantly freezing his ass off. Mike, used to the weather, just chuckled and held Billie close as they slept through the day.

“Oh it’s snowing again.” Mike commented, looking out of the window in the small house they shared.

Billie Joe went to the window and watched in fascination as the snow fell softly, “It’s still so pretty, y’know before it gets smushed into a gray slushy pulp.”

“You truly have a way with words.” Mike chuckled. “I think tonight we should walk up the mountain, there’s a rock formation there where I think I played as a child. It’s through the forest, but we can deal with any wolves that stupidly decide to visit us. I much prefer kittens to wolves.” Mike sneaked an arm around Billie’s waist and kissed his neck softly.

“You’re never going to stop calling me that, are you?”

“Of course not Kitten.” Mike’s expression suddenly turned dark and serious. “I sense vampires... four of them I think, one seems familiar.”

Billie thought for a moment, “Maybe we met them a while ago, this part of the world is known for its vampires. But maybe we should find them and say we’re not gonna kill them or anything.”

“The thing about vampires is they’re either very friendly or very hostile towards each other. Do you remember the vampires we met in Brazil? They may have been very friendly but if you cast your mind back to the ones in England...”

Billie cringed at the memory. “Yes, I recall they called me a ‘wanker’ and removed my spleen, and it took you three days to grow your arm back. But maybe they’ll find us instead.”

“Yes, maybe. But we’ll worry about it later, let’s go now.”

Billie nodded and followed Mike outside. “Now, I don’t want any sarcastic comments about me being slower than you. Got it?”

Mike held back a grin, Billie did this every time they ran anywhere and it only got cuter each time. “Whatever you say, Kitten.”

Mike ran at Billie’s speed, with his lover following him closely, until he reached the rock formation. “Yes, this is it Billie... Billie?” He looked around to see Billie wasn’t there and cringed. ‘That idiot will get us both killed someday. Mike retraced his steps to see Billie getting off a smaller vampire, with dark hair and tattoos poking out from under his clothes.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to run into you!” Billie helped the smaller vampire to his feet.

“It’s ok, just remember to ask for a snowball fight next time so I’m ready.” The vampire smiled at Billie, ignoring Mike’s distrusting glares.

Just as Mike opened his mouth to tell Billie to hurry up, he was interrupted by a taller vampire in a long coat appearing and verbally abusing the smaller vampire. “Frank! What are you doing messing around in the snow like a child?”

The small vampire, Frank, pouted. “Hey it’s not my fault Mikey! I was knocked down.”

Mikey sighed and looked at Billie and Mike. “I’m sorry if he caused you any trouble. Come on Frankie, the others will be waiting for us at the rock formation at the top by now.”

Billie turned to Mike, “Isn’t that where we’re headed?”

Frankie grinned at them, “You can come with us! It’ll be fun!”

Mike sighed, “Ok, let’s go.” Mike stayed close to Billie as they followed Mikey and Frank, still not trusting them.

As they arrived Frank ran to a pale vampire standing next to a taller vampire with an afro and clung to him like a koala bear while kissing his cheek. “Sorry we got held up Gerard. I bumped into a new friend by accident.”

“New friend?” Gerard asked, not noticing the shocked and frightened look Mike was giving him.

Frank let go of Gerard and went to Billie, hugging him. “Yep, this is him.”

Mike tore his gaze from Gerard to Billie and Frank, quickly pulling Billie out of Frank’s grasp while growling. “Don’t you dare touch him.”

“Now now, don’t fight Michael.” Gerard spoke with a calm tone which didn’t match his Cheshire cat grin.

Billie looked from Mike to Gerard, confused. Mike wasn’t usually this protective, so why was he so on edge? “Wait... you know each other?”

Mike’s fangs grew as his eyes turned blood red. “Yes I know him, this is the bastard who turned me over seven-hundred years ago!”

Gerard pouted, “You sound upset. Aren’t you happy to see the person who decided to turn you instead of anyone else while your village was massacred?”

Mike didn’t know what to do with the rage building inside of him. If he held Billie any closer he would snap in two and then there would be much more to worry about. He let go of Billie and attacked Gerard, who dodged at a speed too fast for the vampire eye to catch without blurring. Gerard counter-attacked, sending Mike flying into a tree. Mike quickly kicked off from the tree and landed a good hit before Gerard kicked him away again.

Billie watched the fight with terrified fascination, as Frank spoke to him. “So you got a name Fangy?”

The vampire with the afro sighed. “Frankie, stop calling every vampire you meet ‘Fangy’. It’s insulting and can be used against you.”

Mikey nodded in agreement, “Ray’s right Frank.”

“My name is Billie Joe...”

Ray raised an eyebrow, “As in the vampire hunter who died almost seventy years ago?”

Mikey chuckled, “The vampire hunter turns into a vampire, that’s sick.”

Billie nodded, “It was at first, but then I got used to it and it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me... I owe Mike everything I have because of what he did to me.” Billie smiled softly at the memory of them confessing their love for each other, and Mike telling Billie to live his new life to the fullest wherever it may be.

“Yeah, speaking of him, he’s getting the shit beaten outta him.” Frank commented.

Mikey sighed, “I’ll take care of this. Gerard! Stop fighting or I’ll tell mama it was you who killed dad! Mike! Stop fighting or I’ll kill your little friend here!”

Both Gerard and Mike stopped dead in their tracks, turned and yelled simultaneously, “Don’t you dare!”

Mikey grinned victoriously, “My work here is done.”

“I swear I’ll kill you the first chance I get Gerard.” Mike growled.

Gerard smirked, “You can try, I would just kill you before you got even close to killing me and you know it. I made you after all.” Gerard froze for a moment before turning to Frank, Mikey and Ray. “We have to go now.”

“Aww why?” Frank whined.

“Don’t question me Frank.” Gerard moved to Billie and put a hand on the side of his face. “You’re just going to have to see your little playmate some other time.” Billie jerked away from Gerard’s touch as if his hand were burning him. Gerard simply smirked at this before leaving, with Mikey, Ray and Frank following close behind him.

“Are you ok Mike?”

Mike nodded, “I’ll be fine... let’s just eat in the village then go back to the house. I’m tired.”



This one is shorter than the first, with only 4 parts but I love the new MCR characters!

True-Verse is really fun to write and the next part should be up soon. Please comment to make me work harder! Thank you and see you next time!

pairing: billie/mike rating: m

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