Left shoe finished, and I'm the worst thesis partner ever

Jan 24, 2012 16:11

me: So while we were packing up to leave the lab, I was like "yaaay I'm gonna work on my shoes tonight! I haven't worked on them for a week!"
Then Diana just shot me her look
And I said, "don't give me that LOOK"
And she was like, "I didn't give you a look!"
But she totally did haha
Then I said "its friday night dude, gimme a break!! I was gonna go gay clubbing with jimmy but now we're not because of the rain!!"
And she's like, "we're student animators, we don't HAVE friday nights"
Man, fuuuuck that

Jesse: Hahahahhahaha
How does diana go on living from day to day!!!!
Without these little ummm, joys to look forward to!

me: DUDE idk how she does it
That robot
She doesn't really have any hobbies
She watches tv shows while she animates
She reads game of thrones right before bed
But other than that, I can't think of anything she does regularly for fun
Even Bird plays skyrim!!

Jesse: Hahahahaha
She truly is every asian parent's dream
Except she's not a lawyer, doctor, or businesswoman...


On to business:

I'm not as happy with this side, there's too much negative space between the bottom 3 characters that just makes the design seemed poorly planned out. Which is really sucky because this design probably took twice as long to draw out compared to the previous one. From certain angles (because of the way the fabric bends I guess) Zaeed's forehead makes him look like he has a bad case of hydrocephalus, and I repainted Samara's lips 4 times in a futile effort to make it not look like she had a mustache (can't unsee it now can you). Bleeergh...I guess they can't all be winners =/


The ugly phase


mass effect, animation, art

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