Feb 06, 2007 19:07
Lately, my writing has been very rusty. I set out to write something and what comes out is very choppy and lacking in imagination. Last night I wrote a few paragraphs that felt more like a page out of an encyclopedia than part of a story. It's been so long since I actually wrote something that my creativity and sense of flow have diminished. Maybe it was the latness of the hour but my brain felt like it was struggling to find just the right words to use. I used to be able to churn out line after line that had some kind of imagination and flow to it but now I'm lucky if what I write even goes together. Somewhere between now and the last time I updated a story of mine my creativity and imagination dropped considerably. Maybe it's the hours I've been keeping that have my mind not as sharp as it used to be and maybe it's just a general downswing in the creative cycle. I think for now I have to not force myself to write stuff and just have fun with whatever creative writing I do. Hopefully, as time moves on I'll be able to get that spark back that I used to have.