For You Only, This Life is... (Chapter 5)

Jul 24, 2013 19:07

written by Yuuta/BeautifulWhite_
Yamada Ryosuke / Chinen Yuri
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Romance | Rating: R

I disclaim all characters in this story.
I just own few stuff, like the plot.

Chapter 5

October 14th, 2012

Ryosuke opened his arms widely and stretched. The grunts of his muscles and cracking-bones made him grimace. It had been months since he was hospitalized. He had joined therapy to gain his strength back. Takaki-sensei said that he would be able to walk on his feet in no time. Before that, he had to stick with a cane. Not that he hated it. He used to play a role of oldman with it; he was actually good at mimicking people’s voice, which helped him a lot. Many people had a hearty laugh over his stupid joke. It was that day when he started to get to know to other patients other than him. Takaki-sensei used to get a painful whack from the stationed nurse from laughing too hard.

Ryosuke looked at the mirror upon him. Over the few months, he had gain back his weight. His cheeks had swelled to their normal thickness. His hair had lengthened that it reached his shoulder. He had to tied it every time he was exercising. The natural brown color had faded to black one day and today, his hair was completely black. And anyway, he started to build muscles. He spent thirty minutes in early morning everyday to watch the reflection of his abs and arm biceps. His face heated up when Yuri’s subtle voice entered his daydream state, “Ganbatte, Ryosuke-kun!” How he wanted the pediatric doctor-assistant to be there in all his therapy sessions to cheer on him. But that guy had always been busy. Hence, Ryosuke pouted to his reflection.

Today however, God decided to give him a surprise. The patient restroom door suddenly bursted open and disheveled-looking Chinen Yuri came in frantic. Both boys paused and just stared at each other. Then after some moments recognising things; Ryosuke’s cheeks flamed red while Yuri’s brows disappeared behind his fringe.

“Umm, morning?” Ryosuke pulled down his hospital gown sleeves. He didn’t know why his feet was immensely interesting now that Yuri was in front of him.

“Good morning, Ryosuke-kun,” Yuri responded softly. The small guy shifted his weight, then proceeded, “Let me get this straight. Takaki-sensei called me ten minutes ago, saying that you’d disappeared from the wing while here you are... adoring yourself?”

“I am not adoring myself!” Ryosuke’s head was practically smoking by the time Yuri said those words.

“If that was not the right conclusion, then what was that I just saw?” Yuri challenged; crossing his arms upon his chest, nose pointed upward ever so haughtily.

“I-I was just... It’s not adoring myself, okay? I was just checking,” Ryosuke argued lamely. Heat crept up his cheeks and he had to look away. He heard Yuri sighed heavily and looked at him questioningly. Now that he took better sight of the younger boy, he noted something was off Chinen Yuri’s usual self. The shorter boy was pale as if he had seen a ghost. Ryosuke couldn’t help to worry. He rested a hand on Yuri’s shoulder, “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

The look on Yuri was priceless. He was half-gobsmacked half-angry. “You disappeared for quite a time, that’s what happened! What do you think I should do when Takaki-sensei barged into my working station and reported that you were missing? One second after, I found you smirking at your big head.” Yuri was breathless by the time he finished his rant.

Guilt washed over Ryosuke. He had made everyone worry. Especially this very person Ryosuke never wish to upset. He hobbled closer to Yuri whose glare was enormous. Seriously, if look could kill, he would be six feet underground. “I’m sorry...” and he truly meant it.

Yuri scoffed. His glare didn’t receed, but at least he twisted it to the cold wall.

Ryosuke exhaled. Yuri was one stubborn person he had met. It didn’t happen for him to think that Yuri would forgive him. So he took Yuri’s chin gently, guided the younger to meet his eyes. Then he did what he thought was perfect: Ryosuke captured those plump lips of Yuri’s. A gasp escaped Yuri’s lips which Ryosuke used to insert his tongue inside, exploring further Yuri’s cavern. Massaging every spot it could reach. The wetness of the cavern increased as both of them gave into the warmth of each other’s. Saliva leaked from the corner of their mouth, tracing down their chins. Ryosuke let go of his cane to grab Yuri’s waist instead. His hands teasingly roamed in Yuri’s back. His heart leapt in joy as Yuri made a content moan in the back of his throat.

Yuri’s leg trembled badly that he would have surely fall had Ryosuke not enclosed him firmly. How he was pinned to the wall with Ryosuke still kissing him fully in the mouth, it didn’t occur in his mind. The joy was ended forcefully as Ryosuke’s hand traveled dangerously to the small boy’s torso, just under the chest. Yuri pulled away and panted, “You do know you’re about to reach the forbidden zone, don’t you Yamada-san?”

Ryosuke smirked. “Was it really forbidden zone to me huh, Chinen-sensei? I didn’t reckon any.” His hand moved upward just a bit before Yuri stopped him with his words.

“I warn you, Yamada.”

“Mou,” Ryosuke pouted then pulled away. “But you liked it, didn’t you?”

There’s no word needed. Yuri’s cheeks were practically flaming. Ryosuke smirked at that, earning more glare from the young doctor. Yuri bent to pick up Ryosuke’s cane and handed it to the boy. He tidied up his appearance then in a flash turned around to the door. “Hurry get back to your room, you foolish lad.”

“Yeah, yeah, sure,” Ryosuke chuckled as he joined Yuri’s pace. He didn’t want to anger the sleeping dragon succumbed inside the latter’s small framed boy.

“Ryosuke-kun,” Yuri called as Ryosuke reached his room and was on bed. The walk was quiet. They had met Takaki-sensei and assured that Ryosuke was indeed still in one-piece. After a quick check, Takaki-sensei nodded then flew away, babbling something about dinner with his date.

The older boy leaned his cane on the bedside drawer. “Hm?”

Yuri pondered for a moment, then took something from his white robe pocket. “This is for you,” something small was on his palm. Folded neatly with red paper, it was a paper-crane. Yuri placed it on the drawer, next to the vase. “A good luck charm. I wish you speedy recovery.”

A small smile made its way in Ryosuke’s face. “Thank you,” he said it sincerely.

Yuri nodded. “Okay,” he responded lamely. “I’ll go back to my work.” He made a move to go, yet Ryosuke stopped him by grabbing his wrist. He was about to scold the latter for scaring him out, when a pair of lips locked his in a too familiar touch. Yuri was as red as ripped tomato a minute later as Ryosuke leaned away.

“And that was a good luck charm from me, Sensei.”

to be continued.

A/N: Anyone waited this chapter? Sorry for the wait >w< Even I haven't a good reason to be distracted.

genre: hurt/comfort, genre: romance, pairing: yamada/chinen, rating: r

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