Hatsukoi (Chapter 1)

Jun 25, 2013 17:40

written by Yuuta/BeautifulWhite_
Yamada Ryosuke / Chinen Yuri feat. Morimoto Ryutaro
Genre: Romance, School-life | Rating: PG-13

I disclaim all the characters. I only own the plot.

Chapter 1

“As if you’re never hurt
As if you’re never down”
-Eyes On Me, Faye Wong

There again he was; sitting among his male friends, chatting and laughing. The smallest boy he was, looking far younger than how high school pupils should be. He placed his bums on different people’s lap each day. Like squirrels hopping from tree to tree. The boy smiled the brightest -or that might be because Ryutaro didn’t really want to see anyone else. That boy solely caught his eyes by doing nothing. The same person whose every flick of movement sent a strange jolt in Ryutaro’s gut.

Chinen Yuri was the name. He was simply captivating. Beautiful... as if he was made of purity.

Then, there Ryutaro was; sitting in his seat right in the back of the class, next to the window. His eyes were transfixed to the tiny form of a black haired boy among the others. And when one of the little boy’s friend wrapped a pair of slender arms around the boy, Ryutaro felt his blood boiled. It was true that everybody knew who Chinen Yuri was: a pretty boy who loves making friends with anyone. It wasn’t a secret either, that the kind and cheerful Chinen Yuri was taken... by a slightly older lad who likely be stupid, but whom Yuri loved by heart. That boy was having Yuri in his arms, planting his chin into the latter’s nape.

Yamada Ryosuke. His eyes which never left his little one, arms which snake around the slim waist of his lover protectively, peach-colored lips which murmured assurance and sweet nothingness... everything which Ryutaro hated with passion.

How Ryutaro wanted to punch the guy right in his face then grab Yuri from him, claiming his beloved one forever and ever. The monster inside him let out an anguish roar then teared his heart. Killing him.

Yet, he couldn’t do anything. Ryutaro sat where he was, letting such a sight mesmerised him. Not even a muscle twitched. Neither did he winked. Yuri was shining brilliantly in his eyes. He was the happiest lover in the world. As if he never knew what pain is, what sorrow is. He was away from all of those. And, as much as Ryutaro hated to admit, it was because of Yamada Ryosuke. That boy filled half of the life, Chinen Yuri had.

“So your name is Morimoto Ryutaro,” Yuri said, when Ryutaro found him for the second time in the rooftop. They sat side by side on a bench. Ryosuke was out of sight, just what Ryutaro hoped -Yuri said Ryosuke wasn’t a fan of height which what threatened you every time you climb up to the rooftop. “Cool name, Dragon-taro!”

Ryutaro raised an eyebrow to the nickname. “Dragon-taro?”

“The English word of ryuu is dragon,” Yuri offered the explanation briskly. “Now, what color do you like?” He pulled out something from his pocket. It was a pack of colorful folding paper.

“Yellow,” Ryutaro answered right away, wondering what the little guy would get by asking him such question.

“What shape do you fancy?” Yuri asked him again, and before Ryutaro could utter a word, he bombarded him with options. “A plane? A house? A flower? A pig? A hamster? A turtl--”

“A squirrel.”

Yuri looked surprised for a moment. He smiled shakily before pulling out a bright yellow paper. “Good. A squirrel.” For once, Ryutaro thought Yuri got the hint and was trying to strain the emotion from rippling through the surface.

Yuri’s hand moved like a pro when he folded the paper from shape to shape. He kept asking for random questions such as “do you believe in tooth-fairy?”, “have you ever seen dragon spirit?”, and “what would it be if the only food invented is pudding?” Ryutaro responded each one patiently. But mostly he just hummed.

“It’s done!” Yuri announced not long after. A small, cute squirrel-shaped paper sat proudly on his palm. “Name him, Dragon-taro!”

“Err... me?”

“No, I think I will,” Yuri corrected himself, ignoring Ryutaro’s bewildered look. “I’ll name him just like yours. Ryumaru! How do you like your name, Ryumaru-tan?” The rest of break time went away with Yuri talking to his squirrel-paper. Ryutaro was completely forgotten.

Nonetheless Ryutaro felt his shoulder vibrated with silent laugh. How amusing Chinen Yuri could be? He just watched one of his silly moments which he found out cute. Deep down, he knew his feelings shouldn't grow. Yuri had the one he solemnly loved. There was no place for Ryutaro in the huge heart of Chinen Yuri. But he bitterly couldn’t stop dampening himself with the lust to own what he couldn't.

What shalts I do to make thou mine?

to be continued

genre: school-life, genre: romance, pairing: yamada/chinen, subject: morimoto ryutaro, rating: pg-13

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