dumbassitude = the amount of dumbass

Mar 24, 2011 22:11

I learned a new jump today!
Martha (ice skating instructor) taught us the flip jump. "No you do NOT flip in the air. Sorry to dissapoint you". I picked it up right away. which was really exciting, except I told her I couldn't kill myslef today on the account of my track meet saturday and that my coach gave me the evil eye while i was putting on my skates. But my head coach also saw me and he didn't care. With the toe loop jump, I use my left toe pick to launch off the ice, now with the flip jump I plant my right toe pick. This confused me at first, since I am so used to pivoting around my left leg (both discus and hammer do) but once I mentally figured it out, I was fine. Until I started putting to much power behind the midair spin and was beginning to land past 180 (no 360s yet, i held back). Finally I landed one wrong and almost twisted my ankle, right in front of Martha too. So she goes, "I think I have to cut you off." and herded me off the ice. haha. It was the end of class anyways, so I wasn't that bummed by it.

West Point is a go. I leave tomorrow at 4. So I have time to get to all my classes. We aren't supposed to get there until 9.30. ugh. such a long bus ride. I am glad we are spending the night and am determined to PR in both events saturday. Then get back to uni around 11.30 (predicted) and go straight downtown to a friend's b-day party and party!

I spent two hours talking to my english track coach on Facebook chat. That was interesting. The first hour was us talking about throwing and how I was doing. ( and how sucky my coach is) Then he goes, "will you be home in August?" Um what? Yeah school shouldn't start back up til end of Aug. And he told me how he is considering a vacation to the states to see friends and family and he wants to fly into Chicago and drive up to see me. Um wow, ok. Then he said when he did come, he wanted to go out to the bars with me. So i told him, he better not come until the 17th. After that our conversaion was very flirty. I don't know what to make of this. I got along great with this guy, but he was a coach for four months of my life. Does that warrent an out of the way visit? He also told me today he misses coaching me, then said he misses just me too. I need to confer with my track friend Johanna about this, she loved hearing about my Ed stories when I went nights uni track didn't.

Now to mix things up, I'm going to talk about something other then sports. I have an American Revolution essay due monday. We are supposed to have read this one book on which I write my essay. I am in chapter two on the account of taking a nap instead of reading this afternoon. Its a 5/6 page paper. I'm thinking I'll read the book on the bus to and from the meet this weekend. Then pound the essay out Sunday night. I also have a paper for British Isles history due Tuesday. This one is about the politcal satire in Thomas More's Utopia luckily I don't have to read the entire thing only about 40 pages worth. I've decided to do this one tonight and get it done. Its only a three page thing, so I'm not too concerned. Its a surprisingly easy read.

I need to stop playing with my candle. There is wax everywhere now.   

ice skating, england, track, essay, history

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