Feb 16, 2011 00:53
1. I spent most of last weekend at the Ren Faire. I hung out with my improv friends on Saturday, then participated in the improv show. I got $6 in tips! It's peanuts, but it's the first time I was paid to do improv!
Then I found out I could exchange my day-pass for a season-pass, and they'd pay me back for the day pass. Score! And I'm scheduled to have these next 2 weekends off, too..... you know what that means? 6 days of Ren Faire and improv!!!!!! (yes there are 6 !'s there)
2. This will be the third year in a row that I don't have to work during the Street Painting Festival. I feel kinda guilty about that.
3. Also it's a shame that my satyr costume didn't work out. I feel a little shy going to the Faire in a costume "sponsored by my mom's closet." Plus it's tough to think of a character, especially dressed pretty bland. I was thinking of introducing myself as "Conan, the Comparatively More Civilized."
But really I'm a patron still, so it's very difficult to interact with people. I figured as a satyr, at least people would be all "wtf is up with your legs!?!?!?!"
4. I'm so hooked on the "licorice bridge mix" at Target. Mom asked how I suddenly fell in love with licorice. I thought about it and, you know... it must have come from my Coffee Master studies. When my Super Tongue tastes good licorice now, aside from the anise, I taste a combination of molasses, candy corn, and peppermint at the end.
That said, the 5 pounds of "allsorts" I got are from a blah company. I'm not impressed. But damn I could go for more licorice right now! Shame I have to wait until Saturday.