Icon meme

May 09, 2010 12:53

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons. [Well. I’ll try to; you know I’m not the most energetic person in the world.]
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

Here are the ones Ruby picked for me.

This is a portion of Kay Sage’s “I Saw Three Cities”:

Sage is one of the lesser-known female Surrealists of the mid-twentieth century. People familiar with the subject will know that a lot of them concatenated in Mexico, either because they were born there (Kahlo, often classed as a surrealist even though she didn’t see herself as one) or took advantage of its extremely compassionate immigration policy during World War Two (Carrington, Varo). Sage, however, lived in the USA and didn’t have access to a supportive bunch of similarly crazy female artists; she frankly seems to have got the short end of the stick quite a lot, being patronised and sidelined by male surrealists, one of whom, Yves Tanguy, was her husband and was also a bit of a shit.

There isn’t much point asking what the painting means, or what any of her paintings mean; she insisted that their names (such as “Unusual Thursday”, “Tomorrow, For Example” and “On The Contrary”) were assigned at random, and that the visual themes had no hidden significance. They were, however, very, very good. (IMHO, that is. ancient_bat hates them.)

What? How can you not know what Drogna is?! *Grumbles about people who don’t remember the 80s* Good thing la_fono’s here.

Anyway. In the days of my youth, the best computer by far was the BBC Microcomputer, affectionately known to all as the Beeb Micro. It had 32KB of memory, could network if you had a modem, and played 8-bit and 16-bit games on floppy disks and tapes. Drogna was a game where you had to find a path through a sea of different-coloured little symbols; you could only move to a symbol that was either the same colour or the same shape as the one you were on at the time. (Not riveting, I admit, but it also appeared on a kids’ TV programme called The Adventure Game, where the sprogs had to jump from one space to another. That was a lot more fun.) Here’s the tape case:

And by “tape”, I mean “cassette tape”. Took forever to load, too. You whippersnappers nowdays don’t know you’re born. (There was no Securom in those days, though. OK, perhaps we had it better. Fine.)

As for how it links to Didi: ancient_bat, upon discovering his existence, took one look at his name and shrieked “Ooh, this bloke is called Drogba! Like that game we had for the Beeb Micro, ha-ha-ha! I like him now.” Her instinct was correct and this icon was born. I would like to thank Drogba’s innate gift for pulling silly faces.

This is by nahco3. Its amazingness speaks for itself. I hope she won’t mind me quoting:

It should also be noted that I love fic that isn't anything like the fic I binge on (which I am about to describe) so if you read this and think "Grace commented on my fic and said she liked it but she must not have since it doesn't have aliens, what a bitch," I need to tell you: I love all kinds of fic a lot, really and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, I just want to examine how the fic I write is completely different from most of the fic I read.

If I wrote for Star Trek or, you know, any fandom that has aliens in it, this probably wouldn’t have sounded so hilarious. But I don’t, so it did. XD (And, really, August 2009? Whoa, it was that long ago?!)

It will surprise nobody to find that this is a screenshot of my namesake, Cheryl Mason from Silent Hill 3. As has become tradition for Silent Hill games, episode 3 opens with a nightmare/dream sequence that foreshadows the later stages (Cheryl wanders around a demon funfair and gets hit by a rollercoaster, but that’s not important here). After “dying” in her dream, she wakes up to find she had fallen asleep in a burger bar in her local shopping centre. Here’s the cap:

Even that’s been lightened quite a lot; Silent Hill is a rather dark game. Dark in that you can’t see anything. There are also Venetian blind shadows, because that makes it an instant film noir. Or something. (It looks bloody good, though, I’ve got to give it that. And the game was released in 2003; you can imagine how amazed people were by the second and third games when they came out.) To make the icon I used the deeply skilled and intricate method of pressing Auto Equalise and saying, “There. That’ll do.” I might change it at some point in the future; not sure.

This, needless to say... oh, OK, perhaps it is needful. This is a cocktail representing my beloved and utterly useless Romania. Yes, it really does exist:

Whoever made it seems to have had a bit of trouble with the blue part of the flag, but really, it’s not that bad. (Though, obviously, I would never want to drink one.) It was made sometime during Euro 2008, when we were slightly less pessimistic about Romania’s chances of ever achieving anything. Making it into an icon was fairly difficult: had to crop it properly, adjust the angle, hide the gigantic watermark the source website had put on it, and blur the distracting background. As you can see, I fucked up the last part a bit, and the top of the glass looks weird. Never mind; it suits the team better that way.

Brits probably won’t need to be told anything about this. Others may appreciate the information that HP Sauce is a British brand of ketchup. Since we don’t need no stinking preservatives or food colouring, it is brown, so is alternatively known as brown sauce. It has a picture of the Houses of Parliament on the label, hence the name. It is very tasty. That, though, isn’t the reason for the icon; I used to be in the Harry Potter fandom, as many of you will know, and wanted a picture that accurately summed it up. I think this says it all.

football, silent hill, art, harry potter

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