That tl;dr meme that was floating around a while ago.

Nov 30, 2009 15:21

Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out.

No, it is not Cherry. Or Ellana. As far as names go, Lindsey's pretty common and ordinary. The only problem with it? It gets spelled about five different ways and no one can remember my way. Lindsay. Lyndsay. Lyndsey. Linsey. Lindsee. *sigh* Throughout grade school and college I was commonly in classes with other Li/yndse/ay's and it would often confuse me to no end. I'd hear my name and always turn to look or try to answer during roll call. When I was little I used to wish my name was something different, but you know? Lindsey's okay. It's not terribly exciting, but it's okay. As long as I'm not in the room with half a dozen others.

2. AGE
Twenty-four. Regardless of how mature I am, the world is convinced I'm still a high-school student. Fairly recently I've been given kids' menus, when I got my glasses last year the lady at the desk thought I was about 15, and the people at Gamestop wanted to see an ID when I bought Persona 3 (okay, maybe this one doesn't count, but).

Virginia. It's not so exciting either, but it's somewhat scenic, fairly clean, and normally quiet. Though I'd like to get away from living at home, at least I don't have noisy hallmates anymore, Dad's snoring aside. Our house is on a wooded lot with a creek, so we see wild animals a lot - deer, squirrels, chipmunks, groundhogs, bats, birds, you name it.

I design ads for the local newspaper. Real estate, auto, local businesses... As a result, when I first started answering this meme about a week ago, my hands were already killing me. My job's... okay. I am not really fond of it, but it pays. Sometimes I get really stressed over deadlines and stuff, and sometimes the ads are huge and insane or sales reps try to get me to do extra work for them, but, at least I feel like I'm capable of doing a good job? It was also an excellent way to relearn InDesign.

I am single. I'm stuck between the realization that I will likely stay single and the realization that I don't really want to be alone for the rest of my life. Have never had a boyfriend, have never been on a date (unless going to a movie on campus with a guy acquaintance/friend counts), have never actually seriously considered dating. I have occupied a few crushes, but those didn't go far beyond "he's really cute and I'm scared to talk to him, what if he finds out about it and thinks I'm ugly and a loser?".

Frankly, the idea of being in a serious relationship makes me uneasy. While I have rejected offers to "go out" with people who may or may not have actually liked me without much guilt, I would feel terrible if I had to dump someone after I said "okay, let's go out". Everyone jokes that one day I will probably "fall hard", and if this was the case and it didn't work out, I'd probably be devastated myself. Plus... I am terrible at showing emotions. I am like... total deadpan sometimes. I also suck at apologizing so if I had a boyfriend he would probably be a nervous wreck about whether I was enjoying myself or not.

6. KIDS?
There's pretty much no way I'd survive labor without hyperventilating and passing out, let alone morning sickness or the part where you actually raise a kid. I don't deal with pain well, I panic, I'm not so good with kids, kids are loud... I'm not even very comfortable with the idea of sex, so any future spouse of mine is out of luck. e-e;;

I'm an only child. As such I'm probably spoiled and lazy.

I have a cat named Jake that we got from the local humane society. He is still very active at ten years and cuddles with my parents every night. He hates riding in cars. He's a light orange tabby with greenish yellow eyes and he has a weird obsession with milk bottle cap tabs. He likes batting them around. He's also partial to paper bags.

My one remaining betta fish is Circadia (after "Circadian rhythms", which we were discussing in class at that time, also I thought the name sounded cool). He's dark blue with these nifty reddish eyes. I got him during my animal behavior class in college and I think he's outlived all of his fellows in my group (and he was the one they didn't want!). He's really healthy, and I've had him longer than any other fish. I think 2 or 2 1/2 years? He stays in the computer room on top of the book shelf.

1. Work. You hear enough about this...
2. Roleplaying, I guess. I spend a lot of my free time doing this. I really enjoy writing and getting into characters' heads, so. I'll throw anything fandom-related here, too.
3-5. Basically. Deciding what it is I really want to be doing.
I also sometimes visit with thumbs and Suika.

There's really nothing huge going on in my life at the moment unless me killing my hands two weeks ago counts.

I get along okay with my mom, although she tends to tl;dr me. If nothing else, I think I can say I know what sorts of things she likes with confidence. She likes snowmen and flamingos, she's a cat person. She likes eating at Quiznos and Italian restaurants and she adores Cracker Barrel. She loves macaroni and cheese and chicken n' dumplings. She used to make crafts and attend craft shows. She's the parent I go shopping and to movies with. Mom used to work at a flower shop, but now she works at a gift shop which sells NICE stuff like Vera Bradley pocketbooks, Department 56 Christmas houses, candles, gourmet food, jewelry, outdoor flags and mailbox covers. You get the drift. She works in the back mostly, unpacking and cataloging items.

My dad, on the other hand... I do not get along with. He's been working at Georgia Pacific (a paper mill) for as long as I can remember. He's split his time between us and some female co-worker since I was in elementary school. He never got himself out of it and we never left him, so it's persisted. Well, he doesn't disappear for days at the time anymore. Actually, for a long time he just disappears during the day sometimes and comes home at night. I'm not really sure what's changed, but years ago he used to disappear for like a week and we wouldn't hear a word out of him. As a result of the stresses associated with that, I think, he's developed what I'm convinced is some sort of mental imbalance. He is needy. Immature. Wants you to be interested in everything he's doing and to stop doing whatever you're doing to spend time with him. He has this deal where he likes to annoy me to see if I'll become angry. He'll poke and prod at me, he'll always flip my hair if it's in a ponytail, he'll make loud obnoxious whooping/animal/other noises or clatter silverware loudly to see if I'll snap. He also has this habit of talking down to me and mom, which I hate. Honestly, if I was her, I would not stand for it. Basically, I feel like he doesn't know a thing about me... The sad thing is we're a lot alike. I share his temperament a good portion of the time, physically resemble him more than mom, and I swear to gosh if he didn't dislike anime and would agree to go to movies more often, he'd be a good movie buddy. He watches some sci-fi and stuff like that, and he claimed to like Transformers and Shrek when I FINALLY convinced him to watch them with me. Honestly, I could totally see him getting into something like the Gundam franchise or Stratos 4, but... it's anime. It's animated. Also if he saw fanservice in something animated he'd probably be like "WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU WATCHING?!"

I'm inclined to stick with my middle/high school friends. There's Samantha (whom some of you know as Rath). Met her in 7th grade, I believe. She transferred during the middle of the school year and we ended up having the same class schedule. I'm not sure if Mr. Van Eaton had planned to put us at the same desk groupings or not, but I basically made it my business to make friends with her and show her around. And it stuck throughout high school. She's currently in Indiana, I believe. She visited recently, but I didn't know for sure she was coming until the last minute and had work, so I didn't get around to seeing her.

There's also Amanda (Amaya) who is my Japan buddy. I also met her in middle school (was it 5th grade, maybe?), although we didn't see much of each other until high school. She's currently in Japan, probably getting oogled at for being blond, and hopefully enjoying herself. We both shared an interest in anime and stuffs, so she got me into a lot of series and I sat quietly and listened to her telling me about Gackt and all those other nifty Japanese pop stars. She also likes/d Ancient Egypt and history~ And writing, yes? I believe she and Sam were both in choir in high school, and she took art with me.

Jessica (Arcia) was also another 7th grade buddy. She also transferred (after Sam). She's about as tall as I am short, is very artsy, and also had an interest in Japan. I remember her dragon drawings especially were amazing.

I still remember when we all played Pokemon together. Oh my gosh, guys. D:
There are other people I talked to, but those are the main three whom I would actually invite over and everything?

As for others (mostly online peeps cuz I'm practically all alone here and am no social butterfly), there's my Kokoro crew. I probably talk to friendshipbeam the most these days, but thumbs and I have a long history as well. We met through a common Tokyo Mew Mew ship and now she's going to school a few minutes away from me along with Suika. We should all do something, srsly.


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