Of fandoms, aching fingers, and swimmy fishies...?

Nov 27, 2009 17:00

Let's try to summarize what's been up, although this will likely be mostly a fandom post.

My hands still hurt because I suck and can't leave the computer alone. I want to write. I want to interact with people. I can only take so much reading and watching TV. I get bored watching TV for too long, even if it's something I like. However, because of this I have finished reading "Piratica" and I'm also about halfway through Gundam Seed Destiny (episode 24, I think?) and have plans to rewatch Fushigi Yuugi after that. I will probably read "Piratica II" during my vacation if I can, because the pages are jagged and it'd be difficult to flip during lunch at work.

Piratica... Piratica never takes itself entirely seriously, does it? There are lots of coincidences, lots of plot twists I predicted, but looking beyond its flaws, it was enjoyable in being amusing. Fun. Not the greatest book ever, but good for a chuckle.

It's also giving me a little bit of insight for Sky Tides, which I'm pretty excited about. And I ended up dropping Permanent Way. I hadn't done much at all but I still lament losing the Vesperia cast. Drops are harder than apps. But on the bright side I think I'm doing a liiitle bit better with Ad Libitum, and I might app someone else at Memento Eden. Probably either Tasuki or Nuriko unless someone else wants to app one of them? Tasuki's actually my favorite, but Nuriko (I actually have a wall scroll of him that overlooks my computer desk XD) would be nice because he has a different character type. I keep drawing similarities between Tasuki and Lloyd and I'd rather keep all my characters as different as possible. I've run into this problem at Ad Libitum with Tear and Kratos, because they both revert back to "srs bsns". Although, on the flip side, switching back and forth between characters that are vastly different gives me whiplash. XD

Oh well, we'll rewatch the show and see who I can relate to the most, I guess.

Got two of my books a few days ago and also a bonus Tales of Shuffle card of Harold. The other one I got today. The books... I've learned covers and sample pages are very misleading. ^^;

Well "Unity"... 2/3 of the book is actually full of short gag comics (gags are all well and good but obviously I can't understand a word of them and I like my *plot*) and the last segment, "Last Song", is the pretty. I'm not sure which of the two or three artists drew it (I think Momiagepapa), but it's nice. Lots of details in the hair and eyes. Even Van looks pretty. And one of their gags has a nice shot of Legretta, too.

"No Music No Life" by contrast is not a babysitting romp but loaded down with symbolism and multiple levels of meaning. (Which I don't entirely get either.) Basically you have a mini!Luke crying over a dead mini!Asch's body in Eldrant (or Yulia City?). Tear is just kind of there, singing, and ends up approaching Luke who asks her what he should do. Tear ends up doing some more singing and stuff but in the end she walks away. It cuts away to Tear singing again, this time on a pillar with the Key of Lorelei behind her, and then it returns to the scene with the two kids, where I think Luke, too, has died. Then it makes a parallel between Mr. Ending (there are two now) and the kids. The whole thing is dreamlike and confusing. It also doesn't have much dialogue, so I think it'd be easy to translate, although perhaps not easy to understand. I don't completely get it myself. Confuzzledness.

And then there's "Meteora Romantica" which I got because of page count, loving the cover image (it's in my meme), and liking Aerial Soul's art a lot (they also did "Nocturne"). Interestingly, I knew nothing about it, so for a brief time after trying to do research on the circle I was under the impression that it could possibly be R-rated. I know I'm 24 but owning hentai is NOT something I want... So I was worried and freaked out about it, even though the cover looks totally innocent. So I got it today and it was FINE. Thank goodness. Breathe a sigh. As a matter of fact it is probably my second favorite and one of my longest doujinshi (besides "Goddess Song", which is my other favorite, by Litmus Project). Oh it is just so lovely. It's like the Luke version sequel that never happened and it has a little bit with Jade and Peony, Guy and Natalia, and Florian and Anise also. And Layla's in it for randomness. And there's a second hair-divorce.

Work this week was not bad at all compared to last week where I nearly killed myself. Thanksgiving was just me and mom, but the food was good. Turkey, dressing, gravy, green beans, yeast rolls, creamed potatoes, tea, Boston cream pie. Works for me. ;^;

And it's really weird only having one fish now... Like it used to be a bit of a pain to clean out two fishbowls at once, but now there's only one. And it looks like the other side of the shelf needs something. Circadia seems to be a little more active these days, too. He was always the healthier fish, but it's nice to see him being all swimmy-swimmy.

fushigi yuugi, tales of the abyss, ad libitum, fish, permanent way, gundam seed, piratica, work, circadia, the sky tides, memento eden, hands, doujinshi, roleplaying

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