Picture Meme Time.

Nov 26, 2009 13:30

Stolen from thumbs.
Pick a character from a fandom. Use any variety of pictures of that character that are already on your hard drive to answer the criteria.

An excuse to spam Tear art. Why not? :D Don't blame me if a lot of them have Luke in them. It's not my fault, it's criteria! Also she's probably the only character I have enough pictures of on my hard drive to do this. Actually, I could have probably done it 3 or 4 times using different pics.

1. A picture with flowers
Easy enough. In case you didn't know, selenia flowers and the moon are kind of her theme.
Here's a totally unrelated one with flower overload.

2. A picture in which the color blue dominates
Also a theme color. This is a selenia, by the way.

3. A picture with smiling faces
Lots of smiling faces.

4. A "we're a team!" picture
Let's go~!

5. A picture with seven or more colors
Uh... okay?

6. An angsty picture
We broke Luke again. Whoops.

7. A picture you think of when you hear the word, "sweet"
Here, have like my favorite picture. They look happy.

8. A "best friends" picture
Best friends let best friends brush their hair.

9. A picture that will make us go, "oh my!"
Oh... my... it's the Oktoberfest that never happened.

10. An "awwwh" picture
I have a bunch of "awwwh" pictures... I need specifics.

or maybe more like...?

or how about one of those cute "what if?" family deals?

One of those should work for ya.

11. A rainy day picture
Complete with cheagle umbrella.

12. A "cling!" picture
We've found a lot of cling/hug pictures.
The key is to either catch her off guard or try to act natural apparently.
And there's Tear's lovely fonology book (I guess?).

13. A group picture
Endgame. I think this one looks really spiff.

14. A cuddly picture
Cuddly as in cuteness overload? Oh heck, have Tear with all her favorite things. Aren't they cute?

15. An action picture
Falling is totally an action.

16. A kissing picture
Gotta love the simultaneous Mieu eye-shielding on Luke's part.

17. A picture you think of when you hear the word, "ouch!"
I wish I had a bigger image of that icon I love, but this will do.
Please note the guy-- Guy's afraid of women.

18. A picture with someone sleeping in it
Tear. Sleepingkz. With something pink and fluffeh. ♥

19. A picture with food
Cooking 101 with Tear-sensei!
I love how it's a carrot... Tear hates carrots. XD
Actually, I think Luke hates them, too, so why...?
Also I'd be afraid of the knife, but hey.

20. A picture that will make us laugh
Well, this cracked me up when I first saw it... Tear in Raine Mode.

But then there's also an art I found of when she bumps into that chain in the Baticul Factory (anime), totally flips out and SCREAMS. :D

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