
Dec 01, 2009 14:05

Someone remind me never to go anywhere with my dad again. He was bitching the entire way back and it made for a very long and unpleasant ride home.

Also I am probably going to grump today because I don't know how much sleep I actually got. You know when you think you've been asleep for X number of hours only to find out it hasn't been nearly as long? Well I thought it must be at least 4 or 5 AM or something. Checked the clock and it was only something after midnight. Either way, I don't remember being asleep for any length of time last night - just listening to the snoring chorus and wondering how much trouble I would have gotten into for sleeping in the bathtub or something. No seriously, I did think about it because I was tired and couldn't fall asleep. Can't really hold snoring against people, I know, but I can at least be indignant that Dad called me "Sleeping Beauty" this morning and used rude methods of trying to get me out of bed - yanking at the covers, throwing the curtains back, making lots of noise... =_=;;; He then proceeded to laugh about me kicking and punching at him, saying waking me up was like putting your hand in a beehive. No. Kidding. >=/

*grump grump*

Anywho, I'll try to start on the Christmas cards tonight. So far I'm sending three. If anyone else wants one, just say so.

dad is pissing me off again, dad, needs moar sleep, cherry is grumping

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